Some decent size ones too.. The fact that pottery is there should mean a lot of time was spent their there is probably a lot of other artifacts on the property.
Thanks for sharing
Your welcome and thank you for the information that there may be other artifacts there, being a newbie I could be walking right past some very interesting old stuff and wouldn't even know it... thank you gator boy.
Nice sand tempered pottery rim piece.
Being from Florida I could tell you the fact that it is tempered with only sand can help you date the piece itself.
Nice pieces there too rock looks like crushed limestone in yours possibly.
Maybe a mixture of fiber and crushed limestone in the smaller one. ..that piece is probably older.
Some of the oldest pottery in North America comes from Georgia
I find all different types as in color and design and age. Yes they were both found in the mile stretch of land I have permission to hunt. The bigger one was in the creek the other was in the field.
Interesting GatorBoy I didnt know that on the pottery from my area. As you know I am still learning the pottery side. I have only been finding it for less than a yr now. GB has taught me allot. Thanks