pottery pieces


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Apr 8, 2009
North Dakota
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thanks goody,
I only save the rim pieces as there is so much of this stuff laying all over the place that I would not have time to find the good stuff
am I right in saying that these have a value of no money but educational value only?????
anybody else agree?????

Great collection,I'm sure theyd have some monetary value...

what would your estimate be for these????
maybe 50 cents a piece, give or take?????????
I dunno, I am just a farmer from the dakotas
I appreciate your response's and replies

i would say .99 cents elmers glue........ hours picking up.........confusion putting together, days....finally complete............ PRICELESS

hey chong, I like how you talk
I just got done washing some more pottery
I have 2 five gallon buckets full and a bunch more loose stuff
A lot of the pots were about the size of a basketball
I will try to post a picture or two if you want

yeah sure lars! by the way i think this is one of the first times i posted on yours threads, but i want you to know, i always look at your posts. they amaze me like everyone else in here. you find some of the coolest things. the only problem with pottery is that over the last 300 years every person that has walked by a broken vessel has picked up at least one piece. so when you find pottery chances are people have walked by it 20 times or more, so unless you find a virgin or recently erroded site its going to be impossible to get a whole one. but start working at the rim, if you have a complete rim, your chances are good, you can restore the rest with clay. yeah, lets start a broken pottery piece thread, i think it would be neat.

All of the shards appear post contact. I wouldn't say they don't have a monetary value, but the educational value does far outweigh it. If you ever do decided to sell any shards (especially rim pieces), let me know. Would love to have some for my reference library.

Larson, you may want to see if you can't get the book "A Chronology of Middle Missouri Plains Village sites" by Craig M. Johnson (Smithsonian contributions to Anthropology, number 47. It is a great resource for pottery in the north central plains area, as well as sites. I thought I had two copies of this book, but have only found one so far. I will be packing up a lot of my books in the new few weeks and if I find the other copy I'll send it to you.

Nice pottery Larson. I have always liked the pottery pieces I found. Especially the ones with the finger prints and nail prints in them. It kinda makes them personal. Here is the best shard I ever found. Wish I coulda found the whole pot.


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I save pottery pieces and trade them in to our local rock shop for various things. Mostly fancy rocks to tumble. I have no idea what the shop owner does with them. I'm gonna ask now.

Here's a few pictures of some of my Pottery Shards. I only pick up and keep the Rim Shards, the one with handles, or anything with any kind of decoration on it.


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WOW, we should have a discussion about these
your pottery is similar to the Mandan culture
I think most of the images you posted are from handles and so are mine,
but some of mine and yours might be effigy's of OWL faces

larson1951 said:
WOW, we should have a discussion about these
your pottery is similar to the Mandan culture
I think most of the images you posted are from handles and so are mine,
but some of mine and yours might be effigy's of OWL faces

I agree larson. I have always thought that the two pieces in pictures 9 and 10 represented Owls. Our Pottery is probably about the same age, mine is from around 1000 to 1650 AD, but yours seesm to be more highly decorated than ours. We find a few pieces that are decorated, but not near the volume that you do.

I found this lug a few years ago. From the size of it I would say it was on a good size pot.



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