I’ve found more than a few pieces of gold as well a silver which was hiding next to a metal pole, the type of poles found on playground. This is the way I check next to a metal poll.
I found my first 18k piece like that, right next to one of the poles, one that supports a slide. It was 10" down and gave a solid deep sound when I scrubbed the chips next to the pole with the coil. I have found rings and necklaces like that too but no where near that deep.
- First I get the coil to respond to the pole.
- At this point I move the coil away until I can just still hear the metal pole interrupting the threshold.
- At this point I circle around the pole in this plane.
- When I hear a target in this pattern, I move the sand or chips away and then find the target.
I found my first 18k piece like that, right next to one of the poles, one that supports a slide. It was 10" down and gave a solid deep sound when I scrubbed the chips next to the pole with the coil. I have found rings and necklaces like that too but no where near that deep.
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