possible obsidian hand tool?


Oct 13, 2014
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All Treasure Hunting
any idea what this is made from and what is it ? i think it is obsidian but i have never found one before. found it in bridgewater massachusetts.

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I think you are right. There's indications of thinning and grinding and it may have been destined for a knife, or spear point.
As a primary flake, I think I see some cortex remaining. Wow, obsidian in Massachusetts!

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I don't believe it is obsidian. It looks like a dark flint or chert. It does look worked though.

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Looks like dark flint to me. Also looks like a quickie knife, just something to be used perhaps one time and discarded. Does the large part fit in your hand so that you could use it to
cut up meat or trim of scrape something?
This is one I found and I think it's a crude knife. It was found with quite a lot of other artifacts at a location on the coast that had a very large Indian camp, but is now missile silo's, and nobody
is able to get in there now days. It fits in the hand perfectly to be used for cutting.

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yes it fits perfect in my hand. looking at some of your answers for dark flint or chert material seems better than obsidian. i just have never seen a stone like this. i found it out back just half sticking up near a swamp behind my house. thanks for all the fast responses. does any one know a place i can have this looked at for a specific determination of the material. like i said just by far the coolest rock iv ever found.

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Stop at a local collage and see someone in the geology dept and ask what kind of stone it is. To me it looks worked also. HH

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Could have been used as a scraper and/or a perforator for leatherworking if it's an actual stone tool which I think it is. Looks a lot like the prehistoric analogous tools found over here in Europe.

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It looks like a native american started to make a projectile point or knife, but never finished it, or did not need a good knife, and just made that to use once. I definitely see the evidence of chipping/grinding. Cool find!

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Doesn't look like obsidian- not enough shine and glassiness, We live in NE Cali and obsidian is everywhere. Think probably flint or chert. Neat find!

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That's a flint nodule that has been worked into a crude tool. Definitely not obsidian. Nice find. Geologyjohn

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Doesn't look like obsidian- not enough shine and glassiness, We live in NE Cali and obsidian is everywhere. Think probably flint or chert. Neat find!

I agree Siskiyou Scott...I live in Klamath County. Obsidian is mostly found in the West, but it has shown up back East either through trade/raid.

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