Possible Coin Carrying Case Found



Hi everyone. I went detecting today at a house built in the 1950's. Before the house was built it use to be a yard to a house built in 1927 (my house). The totals for this yard (three hunts) are the follows: about 20 wheats, silver Rosie, silver Wash, and some cool relics. So today I found a few wheats and I was just about to leave when I got a penny/dime signal. Dug 5 inches. It was a small metal book. There is a knob with teeth for grip which means it opens. It opens are the bottom. The knob doesn't turn so it won't open. It's a cool relic so I don't want to smash it to see if something is in it, cause if there isn't I'll be mad I smashed it. I was thinking of doing electoisis (spelling?) on it to see if I can get the knob to turn. Any suggestions? Also I shook it and didn't hear anything, but it could be packed with coins perhaps. Book is about and inch and a half long and a inch wide. Thanks for any suggestions. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Matt

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Open it man!! Yea, pics will help. Don't do that get it X-rayed.... Maybe. I don't know, do what you think is right.
Good luck, show posts of whats inside if you do open it.


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Matt, I'm dyin to know what's in the book. Is it heavy? Make sure you let us know what's in it when you get it opened!

HH 8) surfrat

Submerging it in water (for electralysis) could be disatrous...depending on what is inside. Try to be gentle, but.....OPEN IT! ;)

I would NOT do the electrolysis, or ultrasound (which would be my choice WHEN I knew what I was dealing with) Until I knew what it was. Listen to Badger and KngFhearts about tintypes etc. You would REALLY kick yourself if you ruined a 75 year old pic in a cleaner.

Very interesting find! Looked at the pics, but unfortunately, I don't have any brilliant suggestions except proceed with caution! Don't get impatient take your time and post it when you get it open! HH omnicognic 8)

I showed it to my dad and he says that he saw one of these before but doesn't know what it is. It is very heavy as if metal were in it. It is imposible to open it without breaking it cause it's encrused with stuff around were the thing on the bottom slides out. I might use a very small hacksaw or a razor blade to try and get the crusty stuff off the bottom, but if that doesn't work I might just cut the whole top off. Before I do any of that though I'm going e-mail my pap with the pics to see if he knows what it is. I hope he doesn't get offened by it. Ya know - old people know what old stuff is kind of thing! LOL! Thanks for the replys everyone! I'll keep ya'll updated on any progress. Matt

Very cool, but this is starting to remind me of my corkscrew post! Like everyone has said, take your time and let us know...

JasonL2972 said:
Just checked out the pic,not to sound dumb,but could that be an old door hinge folded and rusted tight together?

The pic doesn't do it justice. It's accually a small book for sure. It even has the lines for the pages and is about 1 cm. thick. The knob on the top has grips for turning it. Thanks for the replies everyone. Matt

Thanks for the link! I would have never figured that out cause it doesn't have a place for the flame, but it's it. And I was really expecting to find something in it, but oh well. It's still a cool relic.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Matt

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