Poor Life Choices


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Apr 3, 2006
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Chesterfield, Va.
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In another thread,, long long ago..(or not). I posted that some people consistently make bad choices,, especially bad partner choices, in response to a Zimmerman bashing post.

Yeah he may not be a great guy, but his partners have a screw loose. Looks like he needs to change what he looks for in a girlfriend, the points he is currently looking for seem not to work.

George Zimmerman's Girlfriend Wants to Drop Charges, 'Be With Him' - ABC News

Zimmerman, who had been acquitted earlier this year of murder in the death of teenager Trayvon Martin, had posted a $9,000 bond and was barred from any contact with Scheibe. He was also ordered to give up his guns and wear an electronic monitor.

Scheibe's new affidavit taken Dec. 6 stated, "When I was being questioned by police I felt very intimidated...I believe that the police misinterpreted me and that I may have misspoken about certain facts in my statement to police."

Scheibe wrote that Zimmerman "never pointed a gun at or toward my face in a threatening manner" and that "I want to be with George."


Not trying to be confrontational, but if you wouldn't mind elaborating on this post... What is your point?


Not trying to be confrontational, but if you wouldn't mind elaborating on this post... What is your point?

Well, in the previous threads everyone on the left was trying to paint the "Z" as an extremely violent leaning loose cannon. Looks like he isn't violent, just can't make the right choices in a relationship. Did you post on the other thread, Ben?

I would have put it up here but it was beaten to death.
The link.

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Well, in the previous threads everyone on the left was trying to paint the "Z" as an extremely violent leaning loose cannon. Looks like he isn't violent, just can't make the right choices in a relationship. Did you post on the other thread, Ben?

I would have put it up here but it was beaten to death.
The link.

How are you coming to the conclusion that he ISNT violent?

I agree with your premise that his relationship choices were poor but I fail to see a correlation to his violent behavior.

How are you coming to the conclusion that he ISNT violent?

I agree with your premise that his relationship choices were poor but I fail to see a correlation to his violent behavior.

How are you coming to the conclusion that he is violent? Looks like the girls are liars. And he isn't the one that started the beating with the skittle.
We will not know for sure. But the previous thread had a few that decided he was.

... maybe someone doesn't believe that a woman can lie?

I'd be willing to bet good money he winds up in trouble he can't get out of sooner than later.

I don't think "Z" is a violent person at his core. I personally think that all those months under the tension of the Trayvon Martin case took a toll on "Z" and definitely took a toll on his then marriage. This recent "girlfriend" apparently is a long time family friend and after his split with his wife, "Z" and this friend hooked up.

I've seen "Z's" brother on TV doing interviews during and after his trial. His brother appears to be the one between the two who got the brains and "Z" certainly isn't the brightest bulb in the box, by any stretch. Just another reason the stress of the trial would have affected him negatively that much more.

I've also seen way too many women when they get angry in a relationship, such as a divorce situation, and how fast they can and do turn on the man, truthfully or not! Women now know all too well, thanks greatly to OJ, that when they scream abuse or threatened abuse, that the authorities will react and most of the time come down hard on the man without question. In the situation with "Z", this girlfriend knows all too well how "Z" is in the limelight and for what, so that any minut hint of agressiveness on "Z's" part and the authorities will be all over him.

As stated in the initial thread post, "Z" needs to start looking for a different kind of woman, but he won't until he gets serious counseling and it is pointed out to him. I doubt that will happen though unless he is absolutely forced to. In the meantime, yes, I believe we'll continue to hear about George in various messes, mostly caused by women I would guess.

Women now know all too well, thanks greatly to OJ, that when they scream abuse or threatened abuse, that the authorities will react and most of the time come down hard on the man without question.

Ive actually seen a woman hit herself in the face to get some marks before the cops showed.A room mate that I use to have girlfriend.Hilarious,she didnt know I saw her hitting herself:laughing7:

How are you coming to the conclusion that he ISNT violent?

I agree with your premise that his relationship choices were poor but I fail to see a correlation to his violent behavior.

I will admit. I was all for Zimmerman during the trial. I DO feel he had to right to do what he did. But the truth of the matter is , the man has problems...major anger issues. I knwo the media is showing his every little mistake/move....but the shiii they are showing only shows that he is a violent person

Ive actually seen a woman hit herself in the face to get some marks before the cops showed.A room mate that I use to have girlfriend.Hilarious,she didnt know I saw her hitting herself:laughing7:

Good!! I've seen dedicated cops get into a divorce and the woman scream abuse and the cop not be able to carry a weapon on duty, so he was deskbound until it got cleared up. Additionally, I know of both cops and civilians alike that had to shell out a lot of money for an atty to clear up their records after a woman falsely charged them with abuse and they couldn't own, let alone buy, a weapon until it was cleared up. I know of some men who never did get it cleared up and legally they can't own a weapon now. The woman you saw hit herself should have been charged and tried!

Yup,she came to house drunk,driving mind you.My friend almost got arrested for it until I told the cops.They her let drive away drunk:icon_scratch:

How are you coming to the conclusion that he is violent? Looks like the girls are liars. And he isn't the one that started the beating with the skittle.
We will not know for sure. But the previous thread had a few that decided he was.
Heck, we're all violent, if you push the right buttons. Growing up, I was easy going...always getting picked on. But it's funny, when I finally did get pushed over the limit, I won every fight I was ever in. It's just a matter of who sets the limits of acceptable.

Ive actually seen a woman hit herself in the face to get some marks before the cops showed.A room mate that I use to have girlfriend.Hilarious,she didnt know I saw her hitting herself:laughing7:

HAHAHA Was she from New Orleans? One of the bars I used to manage in the Quarter had a female customer that was drunk, so I told her to leave. She wanted to stay, but we teased her out of the place. Next came the cops saying she called them and told'em I physically threw her out and had the damage to prove it. THANK GOD the girl that was with her came clean to the police and said she witnessed her friend banging her face into a brick wall. The chick got thrown in the can for drunk and disorderly and lying in a police statement. Dodged a bullet there.


Man, gollum, that could be really bad.

We all have wonderful woman tales. Let's write a book...

Well Austin,, All my exes live in Pflugerville? Watch yoself lolol.

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