Police Barge Into Kindergarten Classroom And Taser Multiple Children

Aug 20, 2009
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Police Barge Into Kindergarten Classroom And Taser Multiple Children “For The Heck Of It”

Jane M. Agni

<NR>Hundreds of horrified and enraged parents stormed through the halls of Calcutta elementary school in Sherwood North Dakota demanding justice after two police officers burst into a classroom Friday morning and began tasing random children.

The officers, Hugh Roark and Darren Engen were detained shortly after the incident and remain in custody pending investigation, which senior officers describe as “heinous and unforgivable”.

Meanwhile, parents are left struggling to understand what would motivate the two “peace” officers to pull such a stunt. Officer Andrew Bergman who is working closely with investigators has reported during a press conference that the officers were apparently “bored” with the absence of crime in the tiny North Dakota town. They were also seeking somewhere to practice shooting their newly acquired tasers that the department had issued just a few weeks earlier. A handful of townsfolk had reported seeing the officers in a field along the highway shortly before the incident, firing their tasers at a herd of grazing cattle.

Several parents of children whom had suffered a tasing at the hands of Roark and Engen gathered outside the Sherwood Inmate Detainment Center demanding the perpetrators be handed over for a little dose of street justice. “Why don’t they give all of us parents some tazers so we can practice on those b*stards!”, screamed Holly Bradshaw before she spat in the face of another officer leaving the building.

None of the children tazed attained any permanent physical injuries, but it is likely the incident will leave them scarred mentally and foster a lifelong hatred of law enforcement.

The police department has apologized profusely for the attack, stating that they are unsure how the two mentally disturbed individuals were able to pass the mandatory prehire psychiatric evaluations but intend to look into matter.

Police Barge Into Kindergarten Classroom And Taser Multiple Children "For The Heck Of It" | Jane M. Agni | National Report

[h=3]Internet Hoax Impacts Small Community[/h]
A fake story on the Internet is causing a real stir about a city in Western North Dakota. The article states that two police officers in Sherwood came into an elementary school last week and began tasing random children.
Phones have been ringing off the hook at the Renville Sheriff's Department because of the latest information that was released on a news satire site, National Report.

Internet Hoax Impacts Small Community - KQCD.COM - Dickinson, ND - News, Weather, Sports

Internet Hoax Impacts Small Community

A fake story on the Internet is causing a real stir about a city in Western North Dakota. The article states that two police officers in Sherwood came into an elementary school last week and began tasing random children.
Phones have been ringing off the hook at the Renville Sheriff's Department because of the latest information that was released on a news satire site, National Report.

Internet Hoax Impacts Small Community - KQCD.COM - Dickinson, ND - News, Weather, Sports

Maybe others on this site will THINK TWICE before posting such garbage.

I have been trying to PROVE for a long time now that not everything you read is true. Maybe this will finally shine some light on things.

It was funny Though, I started laughing when they said
they started tazing Cows :laughing7:

A handful of townsfolk had reported seeing the officers in a field along the highway shortly before the incident, firing their tasers at a herd of grazing cattle.

It actually sounded like fun :tongue3:

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If you would have scrolled to the bottom of the page , you would have found this .........:tongue3:

DISCLAIMER: The National Report is an online portal for "citizen journalists". The views expressed by writers on this site are theirs alone and are not reflective of the fine journalistic and editorial integrity of National Report. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18. - See more at: Police Barge Into Kindergarten Classroom And Taser Multiple Children "For The Heck Of It" | Jane M. Agni | National Report

so, this story didn't happen at all?

Do you mean to tell me that not every scary thread posted here is true??

I miss National Lampoon Magazine
I could imagine then doing stories like that

Actually I quite enjoyed the story. I know some kids in the grocery store and on the last flight I was on I'd like to take a tazer to. Who ever made up the story was just probably living out a really cool fantasy.

Hunting kid's in a classroom, really Red... don't cha think that would have dominated virtually every news channel in America and most of the world?

Probably didn't happen huh? Well, maybe in Mass., Arizona or Texas and then just kept quiet. Here in Texas, you could buy off the parents with "food stamps"...

not at all GIB, he has sources for the news everyone else doesn't know about. Of course, it may be true or it may be a hoax. caveat emptor

yea I imagine it would have been treated like the others.
90 million police & reporters &
after the police kill them, it would be announced they killed themselves.

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