Poison Ivy and I have been the best of enemies ever since we moved into this house (1999). I never knew I was allergic to it until we moved in this house.
We are on a creek and not even knowning what it looked like....found out later, the creek bank was covered with it...with vines up the old tree and white berries!!!
I found out I was allergic cleaning up our back yard down by the creek. We have a chain link fence up and I was cleaning up the leaves along the fence and pulling off the English Ivy on our fence (dislike that stuff).
I showered after being in the dirt and all and started itching like crazy. Came to find out it was poison ivy (among the English Ivy)...UGH.
Well, hubby did not take it serious that I was allergic to it and I was concerned about my kids. I finally realized it was all over the creek bank .... large, tall bushes and vines on the trees. I asked hubby to remove it...HE IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS NASTY STUFF!!!!
Well, I got tired of waiting and waiting and waiting...we moved in this house 1999...it was 2000 when I gave up on him (the following Spring)....so I covered myself in plastic bags...taped all together. Not a part was exposed, except my face.
We...as you can see by this pic I posted, it's not only the oils that get you...but the powder or dust, as some locals here told me. It got on my face. I could barely see...this was an emergency room visit. And it was my birthday!!! That sucked!!! LOL
So, even when you are careful, or you think you are...it will still attack!!! And even though you may mow over the stuff or don't get it pulled up from the ground all the way, even the roots, two years later, still produce oils that if you touch, you will get it.
I have learned alot about this nasty plant.....and constantly teach my boys and remind them, as we found out, they too are allergic to it!!! I can spot this baby a mile away (LOL).
Be Careful.....it's out there and it's looking for us allergic ppl.....
PS: after this happened, hubby takes it serious. First sight of Spring, I go out in the yard with blue spray paint and spray all the little sprigs and hubby comes along and pulls them, roots and all!!!!...OH, forgot to add, I was told to NEVER BURN Poison Ivy.....ppl can still get it!!!!