plummet and misc.


Bronze Member
Sep 2, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
These were found yesterday on my maritime archaic site.Some pottery shreds with a lot of quartz.A broken adze a few tips and a broke knife.Then a plummet missing just a tip of





f the top....mjm

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Pretty good days work there do you think that plummet was awaiting being drilled or do you think the tip broke while they were trying to put a groove around it?

I don't believe they intended to drill it.I have yet to find any drilled weights.They are all intended to be grooved and tied on at the top.That being said I'm guessing either broke while being made or possibly while in use maybe smacked off a rock.I really don't find any drills or drilled items....but they are on my wish list and I'm sure they are in the mix...mjm

Don't know if you saw that part of the groove was there? My pics aren't the best.What I don't get is why they always made the grooves so shallow....mjm

Actually no I didn't see that.. I would like to see someone actually try to use these as fishing sinkers... I can't imagine they were made to stay attached to the line during the fight of any decent size fish.
Have you ever considered the fact that they may have been used in the process of weaving nets?
I mean what use would a common shape have if all it was going to do was hold a line down in the water? Now think about several of these strong in a row one next to each other holding chord vertically the shape makes much more sense to me that way keeping the lines separated and taught

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Yes I have as a matter of fact.That would make sense as far as if they fall off no biggy...I would think they would be every where around water and I really have only found a few and all these places I hunt are stream side...mjm

This pottery one I found always brings that question back to me


Definetly makes you wander.I realize that there are a lot of examples where artifacts are way to elaborate for their intended uses.With plummets being no exception. Ive seen pics of some that were animal shaped.I always hoped the mystery would be solved through some new found hieroglyphics.... mjm

I don't believe they intended to drill it.I have yet to find any drilled weights.They are all intended to be grooved and tied on at the top.That being said I'm guessing either broke while being made or possibly while in use maybe smacked off a rock.I really don't find any drills or drilled items....but they are on my wish list and I'm sure they are in the mix...mjm
Minze 2!!

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