PLP Wins Hillman Injunction Appeal


Bronze Member
Dec 5, 2010
PLP Wins Hillman Injunction Appeal

PLP Wins Hillman Injunction Appeal

PLP wins the Ca. Appelate Court in totally reversing the Hillman Injuction on DFG issuance of Suction Dredge Permitting. Now we need to win the court case against SB 670 and AB 120. YEAH

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 11:11 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: California Court of Appeal Case Notification for: A126402

[email protected], the following transaction has occurred in:
Hillman v. California Department of Fish and Game
Case: A126402, 1st District, Division 3

Disposition date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2011-12-28
Disposition description: Reversed in full
Disposition status as of 2011-12-28: Final
The order granting plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction is
reversed. Each party shall bear its own costs on appeal.

For more information on this case, go to:

For opinions, go to the following web site:
Court of Appeal opinions are generally available on the web site by 5 p.m.
on the disposition date.
Unpublished opinions are generally available on the web site by 5�p.m. on
the disposition date or
by 5 p.m. on the court workday following the disposition date.


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Re: PLP Wins Hillman Injunction Appeal

That's funny, I thought I read somewhere on this forum that PLP doesn't do anything.

Re: PLP Wins Hillman Injunction Appeal

Great news!!! We'll win this war one battle at a time! Thank You PLP! :hello2:

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Re: PLP Wins Hillman Injunction Appeal

PLP is a good group that has done a lot of good things for miners, ranchers and farmers over the years and deserves everyone's support. :)

Re: PLP Wins Hillman Injunction Appeal

:read2: Read the decision first before you rejoice as the judge has specifically stated since it don't matter because your screwed by sb670 and 5 more years by 120 it's a moot point and "THE STATUTORY PROHIBITIONS RENDERS THE PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION SUPERFLOUS-page 11 of 13 AND read the first paragraph--we got ya by the short hairs so this is a waste of time,effort and money-WIN :tongue3: what a joke,just a case thrown in the trashcan of legaleze-John

Re: PLP Wins Hillman Injunction Appeal

it doesn't have to cost us a lot of money, just time,commitment and supporting those that may challenge the discriminatory law of Sb670 or ab120 and the water board, these people are terrorists of the United States Constitution
I have my reasons for the bad taste in my mouth for PLP, something that happen in 91 but that is because of two people that just happen to be a part of PLP, but i still send my donation in to PLP because of what the organization represents

I took BLM to small claims court once, and before we could even get into the hearing at Downieville, Sierra County court house, it was moved to the big house in Sacramento, Federal Court. (Later learned this was against the law) no matter. i did make three Court appearance and thrust me even with my limited know;edge of the law back then I had them scrambling
but it was apparent this was very much over my head and hired an attorney, that was my big misstake, and that is what cost a lot of money
so show your support send money to those that do good, or go to a WATER BOARD MEETING and complain OR COURT TRIAL, or send your letters in to the reps of Crazyfornia

16 to 1 mine is defending itself
send these guys 5 or 10 bucks THEY ARE TAKIN-ON THE WATER BOARD, and the leftwing nut case Kamela Harris

Hey if mercury in fish is a problem then why have there been no reports of the people consuming the fish caught in the San Francisco Bay dying of this, LL there has been a mercury proble (acoirding to the wackos ) in that bay for 60 years. and why are dredgers band from dredging but the water resource board will be using the same equipment for their supposed mercury clean act

you got my full support

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