Please remember......

Cool. Maybe we can start a food safety and recipe sharing forum.

I can never seem to get the dang chicken to tell me when its 165.....they not a very helpful lot

I can work a microwave! Can I just catch a chicken and stuff it in there?

Nah,microwave ovens kill the nutritional value of food.Get the BBQ grill out.

P.S. Dont forget the beer.

BEER!!! Beer goes with chicken, chicken drinks the beer walks right onto the grill! Phsssst! Feathers are gone!
It still may not tell you when it's done tho.

You know, all this brought back memories of when my Uncle took me out to the chicken coop in the back yard. He grabbed a good size hen by the head, slung her neck over a stump and chopped off the head with a hatchet. She ran around the yard for several minutes. That image is still impressed in my memory. Frank...-
111-1 profileblk.jpg

ugh, I'm sick of chicken (unless it's the roasted chicken at GiantEagles grocery store lol), my girlfriend cooks alot of it.


3qts de contenedor de cebolla
3 qts de contenedor dezanahoria
3qts de contenedor de apio
2 1/2 cups de eyo (picado)
1 libra de mantequilla
2lbs de bacon
40 lbs de ground beef
20lbs de pork
2 latas de tomate (roman pure)
4 cups de vino blanco
2 cups de dry thyme leves
1 cup de sal
1 cup de black pepper
2 cups de base beef
15 qts de agoa

1. se pore en la maquina la earne de res y puzreo,ysr dse paduzan con las manos
2. se prende la maquina y se tapa para q se cosa
3. euando la earne esta cocida se saea y se escurrey se lava la maquina pone mantequilla en la maquina y se pone agua en un contenedor de 8 ats
5 se pone la verdura enla maquina hasta y se eosa se le ugrega la carne
6. se agrega bacon y se remueve todo agrega el ajo y los condimentos y se re mueve
8. se agrega el vino y el base beef agregan l es lutas de tomate y el agva

Get 12 Coors Lites... Chop the head off (chicken), pluck most of the feathers and remove entrails. Then cut up into pieces. After 6 beers fill cast iron pan with oil and turn up high. After 8th beer roll chicken in flour and throw into hot grease and season to taste. During 9th beer move them around a little in pan. During 10th beer get a platter with several sheets of paper towels on bottom and throw all the chicken on it. It doesn't matter if it's done or not... IT'S DONE!!!! During 11th beer maybe throw a spud in mircro or heat up a can of veggies. Then during 12th beer empty out the rest and chow down. This temp "thing" is over-rated. As far as a thick T-bone or Sirloin... just wipe the ass and knock off the horns and its good to go.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo not coors pleaseeeeeeeee

GROW UP RED.... you left wing nut:laughing7:!!!!! Coors Lite is where "right" thinking begins. But you do have to have experience in which to apply though. First time you EVER hit a nerve on me:BangHead:!!!!! I am willing to compromise though as long as I don't have to drink it (I'll buy it for ya though). If EVERYBODY drank Coors Lite we'd all think "RIGHT"!!!!! Help me out Bandit - anybody? (please).

This method is not for the novice! This takes experience and tons of practice!! May take some beer adjustment to your liking! Too many beers,without experience, you will be eating it the next day no mater how burnt or under cooked, It will still be the best food you ever ate!

The same goes for replying to posts at night! :laughing7:

Yes this above statement is true... It is NOT for the novice!!!! Experience is required and failure excepted until then. Some beer adjustment IS required which equates to experience. Chicken outcome really doesn't matter while learning.... you'll eat it. After a tough learning experience the chicken WILL come out perfect and variation's can then be applied. Patience and experience is key!!!!!!

Frankn, whatever you do,
don't google Mike the headless chicken.

Ohhh did somebody say..
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00000000000000000000000000000oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. You CANNOT do the firewater "thing" and then do the chicken thing. It's like oil and water.

You guys are a BLAST to converse with.... and I mean that. I have so much fun.... AND PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME SERIOUS on these humorous comments. PLEASE!!!!

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