I'm here!... and would have responded if I recognised the mark. By the way I sometimes also don't bother looking for an answer if folks don't picture the item as well as the mark. Once we finally got a picture of the snuff box (which might also be a pill box) it didn't help much anyway because it's just a plain style.
Maybe I should respond more on items I don't recognise and at least say something, but I can't be much help on this one. Unfortunately the world of silver (and its substitutes) is full of unattributed marks. Unlike many such marks, this one isn't cropping up with any frequency on silver forums, can't be common, and I would assume is from a small maker who wasn't in business for an extensive time and has simply gone unrecorded. My guess is that it's from the late 1800s or early 1900s and might be American. It's certainly not British/Irish. If not American, then it would have to be from some part of the world which had an equally poorly regulated silver marking system and has a history of using the Sterling standard. That rules out quite a lot of countries.