Hi my boyfriend has taken up the hobby of prospecting. He has been going to creeks for about 4-5 months now. My suite is full of different rocks that he brings back and buckets of dirt and such. Well we are not sure but we think he found a 16 ounce piece of platinum It has all the characteristics. And we even put the little pieces in hydrogen peroxide and they started bubbling away and havent stopped. It looks like a cow patty. about 4inches all the way around. about 1 1/2 inches thick. There was a crack in it and it broke when it did I will tell you I have never seen a sparkle the way this has. Its hard to get a pic with the glittery surface . But I have numerous photos. We have not done much in the way of using nitric or hydrocloric acids. If it is should we take it to an assay we are not sure what to expect. How pure is it. There seems to be no magnetic pull.

