Cool button. Just to firm up a bit on the dating for you and slightly correct some of that magazine article:
The company was Folger & Blake, not Blake & Folger. Nathan C. Folger was born in Hudson, NY and established a retail clothing business after moving to New Orleans at the beginning of 1830 but the business failed in 1937 and he relocated back to New York City until 1842. It’s not known what profession he pursued during that period, nor exactly when he returned to New Orleans, but he went into partnership with Thomas N Blake (a former competitor) in New Orleans in 1849.
The ‘Folger & Blake’ partnership was short-lived and ‘Blake’ disappears from the company name a few years later, with Nathan Folger becoming sole proprietor until his son Charles joined the company in 1855. Folger’s two other sons: Fred G. and Nathan C. Jr. joined as partners about three years later, until the business closed in 1862. Nathan C. Folger next pops up in New Orleans directories in 1867 as a soap manufacturer in the partnership of the ‘Hughes & Folger Company’.