Pics N STuff


Bronze Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Garrett AT Pro
Pics N' STuff

OK, here's more pics you all. These are just some odd pics that I've taken this year, and some in-situs.

The first picture is of a bowl that I found, you can see the hole that I had to dig it out from. It's mostly here..but believe it or not, I still haven't glued it back together yet. This was found on a Mississippian site.


I couldn't resist snapping this pic. When is the last time you seen a tin beer can like this? LOL


Below is a picture of a native house floor. Notice the difference in color? The reddish hue is due to the coloration the soil turns from the constant heating inside the dwelling, etc. The large rock in the center is part of a metate. Generally metates are found just outside the dwelling, and you can find them easily if you know what and where to look in Mississippian sites. This is a broken metate, and I'm sure it had other purposes (there is a complete metate outside this dwelling that I left). There are 4-5 houses on this small village site arranged in a straight row along an old creek channel, with a large midden situated approx. 50 yards in back of them.


Below is a friend (Justin), with a metate and manos. I generally don't pack out metates, as we find several and they are a pain to haul out. I found this metate & manos a few days before I took this picture and didn't want them, so gave them to Justin (shown in photo). The metate was upside down (which is usual) and the manos were under and around it. As I stated above, you can locate metates easily once you find houses and are familiar with the cultures that inhabited them.


Below is a picture of a very large nutting stone that I didn't feel like carrying out. It was well used, and there were 2-3 others just like this one at that site.

nutting stone.jpg

Below is a picture of my son Brett, with a large Hopewell point that he found earlier this year. He has quite a collection of personal found artifacts, I sure am proud of him.


This picture is kind of funny. I saw this marble and decided to take a pic of it...and I TOTALLY missed the tinkler cone just above it!!!! I didn't notice it until I got home and looked at the photo. I have found several tinkling cones at this site and now I know there is at least one more still out


Hope you enjoyed the pics!

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Re: Pics N' STuff

Mw too, me too Im a dummy. Could you point to the tinkler please? Great pics.

Re: Pics N' STuff

A tinkling cone is a cone shaped object hammered out of thin metal. They would attach them to their garments for decoration and they would make a "tinkling" sound, hence the name. Even though there are conical shaped projectile points, alot of tinkling cones get confused with them (tinkling cones are open ended). You'll find them on certain historic sites. The site I found that one was Wichita. Most all of the cones I find on that site are squashed, that one is no exception. I sure wish it wasn't a tinkling cone, that would make me feel alot better. But, it sure looks like one, and I find several there.

Re: Pics N' STuff


Yep they still wear them....called a "jingle dress" now. I love to watch and hear the dancers when they are wearing them at a pow wow.


Re: Pics N' STuff

Tinklers? Metates? Manos? Nutting Stones? Man I am lost! I've looked all around my house and can't find any! Help! I need a glossary to figure out what the heck you are talking about. I am not that stupid but really ignorant of the terms used. ??? ??? Monty

Re: Pics N' STuff

Hiya Monty! I have the most in-depth glossary of archaeological / anthropological/ artifact collecting terms that have been assembled on my website. I made last year I think it was? It should help you with understanding some of the terminology. If not, lemme know what I can help you with. On, click on the informational page link to the left hand side, and it will lead you there. ~ Matt

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