Picked this up at an estate sale


Apr 21, 2016
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I've already tried Google image search, as well as Google text translation but I have not been able to find out what language this is or what it actually is. I know that the estate sale that I picked it up from work too well traveled people it is a small piece of slate the carvings look to have been done possibly buy a wire wheel grinder that was first painted with red oxide paint I cannot find any hard chisel marks. Its a pretty well crafted peice. image1.JPGimage4.JPGimage2.JPGimage3.JPGimage1.JPGimage4.JPGimage2.JPGimage3.JPG

It looks like a suveneer name rock from tibet

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As osage express said... Two Basic Mantras - Mimosa Books & Gifts


Om Mani Padme Hum is the most common mantra in Tibet. It is recited by Buddhists, painted on rocks, and carved on prayer wheels. The essence of all the teachings of the Buddha are said to be contained in this mantra. Literally meaning “Aum to the Jewel in the Lotus,” this Tibetan mantra is said to invoke compassion. Tibetan people and almost all Buddhists believe that chanting this mantra of Chenrezig (Bodhisatva of Compassion) helps to rescue them from the sea of suffering and to achieve Buddhahood. Repeating it is believed to purify the mind and body. The mantra is also used for protection.

OM helps you to achieve perfection in the practice of generosity. Repetition of Om helps us maintain mental and emotional calmness, and to overcome obstacles.

MANI (jewel) helps you to perfect the practice of pure ethics, tolerance and patience.

PADME (lotus) helps you to achieve perfection in the practice of perseverance and concentration.

HUM (inseparability, purity) helps you to achieve perfection in the practice of wisdom.

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