photo dowsing feedback


Full Member
Nov 15, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I know most of us here on tnet are not the type to rush online and say "I found a whole stack of KGC gold bars right in my backyard based on the photo I posted!". Given that, it's disappointing to go through all the photo dowsing requests you guys work on and not see any follow up. Mostly just "I'll check that sometime in the future when I can" (I'm guilty of that). Do you dowsers at least get some PM feedback?
I want to know for two reasons;
1 - plain old respect and appreciation for someone doing you a favor
2 - I still maintain a healthy dose of skepticism, but really want this to be legit. Hunting the areas you guys have marked for me garners excitement both from the prospect of treasure, but also anticipating a "holy crap it works!" moment.

Either way, I think those of you who take your time to dowse for others are doing a cool thing. Thanks!

There is a lot we know sometimes, it is just not to be posted. Often the treasure sites being researched, the treasure was long ago recovered. Other sites, posting your important treasure leads online, is inviting people who would steal or beat you to the treasure. Japanese showed up recently at one of the sites being researched here on TreasureNet, trying to get the owner to sell the property. People in other countries read these threads.

I want to know for two reasons;
1 - plain old respect and appreciation for someone doing you a favor
2 - I still maintain a healthy dose of skepticism, but really want this to be legit. Hunting the areas you guys have marked for me garners excitement both from the prospect of treasure, but also anticipating a "holy crap it works!" moment.
Great Post...The excitement for me is simply the fact that a lot of new people are giving it a try. The maps do give people a lot of excitement in their hunts. I get information from some people but those are too far between..I get some feed back from people who knew something was there before they posted the map..they found something but did not know if they should dig or not..
Jeff of pa posted a story of a legend about a lost cave of gold..It was supposed to be north west of Sand Mountain..I dowsed a map of the area and found it north east of Sand Mountain..I could have searched the area to the north west and not found anything...The north east area is located on a Navy electronic bombing range so was fun to go to until the area was closed to the public...Art

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