pewter boat


Sr. Member
Jan 8, 2005
my 8 year old daughter was my digger for a little while this afternoon and she just about flipped when we found this little pewter sportfishing boat ( she's hooked now for sure ), it was upside down in our driveway right near the front steps, it looked just like the stones around it till it popped out, i can't believe we've been driving right over this for years and it held it's shape :)


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too late she already wants mine ;), thats ok though she'll get it when i get a new one, the one i'm using now is a garrett thats about 30 years old ( it works, but i can't help but wonder what i'd find with a good one ). i just can't afford a replacement at the moment.
i had got her one of those kids models but it wouldn't find a quarter even if you layed the coil right on top it.

Awesome looking little boat! I like the old key too... ;D
Glad to hear you and your doughter had a such a good time. I had to give up my detector to my nephew yesterday. All he found was a nickle and two pennies, but he was very happy, because they weren't pull-tabs. He's used the machine a few times before and all he's ever found was junk. Finding actual money made his day, which in turn made mine...
Good luck & Happy hunting~

I have a 3 month old baby boy, (he's my first), and I'm also a newbie to metal detecting, but I can't wait until he's big enough to go out hunting with me. My wife is not interested.

Anyway, that boat is pretty cool. Good luck.

DJ_Quinn said:
I have a 3 month old baby boy, (he's my first), and I'm also a newbie to metal detecting, but I can't wait until he's big enough to go out hunting with me. My wife is not interested.

I know what you mean. My wife thinks I'm crazy to waste time finding pennies but when I find a nice ring things will change. I too have young boys (3.5 and 1.5 yrs). The older one likes to dig for me too.

I love the boat and I love the key. Keep your daughter interested. We need more female detectorists!

I found a skeleton key last week that fit all the doors in my house. Not the outside doors, of course. We are a little bit modern.

you can't really see it in the pic but the boat is actually painted gold over the entire topsides, i'll tell ya it made me do a double take when it popped out of the ground :o


Nice finds for a 30 plus yr unit. I have 2 boys myself and take my 4 yr old son with me all the time. Before you know it there spotting stuff before you do. He has been detecting since one and a half. I can still remember the first site we hit. A old cellar hole deep in the woods. He trudged the whole way there. I sat him down on a hill and he was rolling around in leaves. Then I sat and thought to myself damn I must be crazy only guy in the u.s with his 1 and a half yr old son down in the woods hunting a cellar hole.

Now he is experienced and walking through tough terrain is no problem. On top of his great vision for finding marbles and bottles and all sorts of stuff. He's my hunting buddy and it's not the same without him. I have a younger brother who hunts and it's a good family thing for me to teach them. I have another son about to be initiated into the world of treasure hunting.

As younge as I got these guys started and what I know about treasure hunting and all my secrets my boys will be better treasure hunters than me one day. I gotta get my son a machine of his own. Not yet but in a few more years.

That's what it's all about. Spending time together and learning things. Looking at generations of treasure hunters all walking behind me. I'm the leader and they all rely on me for everything. There will always be finds. It's the time we spend together that no one can take away from us is what matters in the end.

HH Jer? ?

kids are natural treasure hunters ( they get into everything and everywhere ;D ) there eyesight is certainly better than mine, but ya gotta keep a real close eye on them all the time, my girl was about to reach into the hole right after a handle to a razor came up but luckily i caught her first :)

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