I found this in a a Sierra Forest where everything petrifies very fast. Trees and branches turn to stone with growth circles and termite holes still visible. This specimen looks eerily like a skull to me. A rather deformed skull, with parts missing and some soft material turning into rock... or maybe its just a rock. The top part was ridged and looked exactly like a brain (the type you see under glass in a haunted house) when I first got it. Then I took it home, where it kicked around outside my house, exposed to salty seaside fog and drizzle, and the top (which feels like wood more than stone), smoothed out and lost the ridge and fold details. Here's the pics... see what you think... or feel free to tell me I have a very vivid (and macabre imagination). Thanks for indulging me!
The images go from Left side, Left Front, Front, Right Front, and Back rotating in order
The images go from Left side, Left Front, Front, Right Front, and Back rotating in order