Hoser John

Gold Member
Mar 22, 2003
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All Treasure Hunting
We have been telling folks to shut up and dredge in many ways for years QUIETLY but certain BIG mouth ignorants fools refuse to shut the LL up so adios to all forms of dredging now-no more,barrels,gravity or blastn'. Kudos goes out to Calgolddredger for all his efforts to SHUT FOLKS BIG MOUTHS so we could ALL still try to eek out a living to support our families but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cancer from the klamath ==as usual--put out a internet bulletin explaining how to kill all dredging so here is yet another direct result of their insideous actions-
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Quote socalgold
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Reply Topic: Enviro's petition to DF&G
Posted: Yesterday at 10:05pm
You guys all forget the enviros follow these forums religiously and all the talk about how to get around the regs on suction dredging has riled the enviros and hence this latest assault on us. The internet is open to all. Now we pay the price. Look at the evidence they present.
2(and arbitrary) regulatory definition of “suction dredging” as requiring a sluice box.​
They merely remove the sluice box, a device used to separate gold from dredgedmaterial.​
10 However, their motorized dredging operations still use a vacuum system to
dredge material from the river and are therefore still subject to the statute and variousprovisions of the 2012 regulations as indicated by CDFW guidance.​
11 It is dredging of
river bottoms with the use of vacuum equipment that is the operative violation of statute,not whether or not a “sluice box” is being employed as a sediment sorting mechanism.However, CDFW staff arbitrarily contradicted their own guidance and authorizedunregulated vacuum dredge mining as “not prohibited”​
12 noting “[t]here is no specific
permit required and no seasonal restrictions. Since this is not suction dredging, neitherthe moratorium or [CDFW’s] adopted regulations for suction dredging apply. It’sessentially a loophole in existing law.”​
13 This shift in position is based on CDFW staff’s
“guess [] that such a system will be less efficient, and less excavation will occur, than if[one] were using a suction dredge . . . .”​
14 In the context of a moratorium, it is not
possible for “less excavation” to occur. This position even recognizes that the sluice boxwill be substituted by “some other system to sort through the material.”​
15 CDFW’s
change in position​
16 is arbitrary as staff’s “guess” does not constitute a factual or
statutory basis for the shift.Petitioners are a coalition of tribal, environmental, and fisheries groups. Their proposedamendments are intended to close the potential loophole currently being exploited byminers and to bring the 2012 regulations into full compliance with the California Fish andGame Code. As a result, the unmitigated impacts from unregulated vacuum dredgemining will cease as required by the statute. Additionally, if the regulations are revisedand once the moratorium is lifted, these new “vacuum dredge” operations will also be​

Dave McCracken. Motorized Suction Mining is Allowed in California! The New 49’ers. Accessedon 16 Jan 2013.​
California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Suction Dredge Permitting Program. Accessed 18 Jan 2013.​
Mark Stopher. Underwater Suction Gravel Transfer Systems. California Department of Fish and
5&title=working-underwater-in-california-this-year. Accessed 28 Jan 2013.​
Id.; Malcolm Terence, Two Rivers Tribune, Gold Prospectors Spot Loophole in State’s Dredge Mining
Moratorium, March 4, 2013​
Last Accessed on March 18, 2013.Mark Stopher. Underwater Suction Gravel Transfer Systems. California Department of Fish and
5&title=working-underwater-in-california-this-year. Accessed 28 Jan 2013​
Earl Crosby. RE: Latest News from Miner forums. Department of Natural Resources, Karuk Tribe. Email
from [email protected]. Sent 3 Jan 2013); Mark Stopher. RE: Dredging w/o a sluice box. California​
Department of Fish and Wildlife. Email to Craig Tucker, from
[email protected]. Sent 6 Mar

Director Charlton H. BonhamCalifornia Department of Fish andWildlife1416 Ninth Street, 12​
th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814Email:​
John Laird, Secretary for NaturalResourcesCalifornia Natural Resources Agency1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311Sacramento, CA 95814(916) 653-5656​
John Mattox, Senior Staff CounselCalifornia Department of Fish andWildlife1416 Ninth Street, 12th FloorSacramento, California 95814Phone: (916) 651-7648​
Mark Stopher, Senior Policy AdvisorCalifornia Department of Fish andWildlife601 Locust StreetRedding, CA 96001Phone: 530.225.2275​
March 20, 2013Pursuant to section 11340.6 of the California Government Code, Cal. Gov. Code §11340.6, the Center for Biological Diversity, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’sAssociations, Institute for Fisheries Resources, Karuk Tribe, Friends of the River,California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, Foothill Angler’s Coalition, North ForkAmerican River Alliance, Upper American River Foundation, Central SierraEnvironmental Resource Center, Environmental Law Foundation, and KlamathRiverkeeper (collectively “Petitioners”) as interested parties hereby petition the Directorof the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (“CDFW”) to amend section 228 of theSuction Dredge Permitting Program regulations (“2012 regulations”), 14 C.C.R. 228, asprovided herein.The proposed amendments ensure vacuum and suction dredge equipment is regulated asrequired by the California Fish and Game Code. §§ 5653​
et. seq. Miners are usingvacuum and suction dredge equipment in violation of the 2012 regulations and thestatutory requirements. CDFW staff arbitrarily authorized unregulated use of vacuumand suction dredge equipment contrary to guidance on the Department’s website. Theproposed amendments remove the component list from the definition of suction dredgemining, ensure that all permits issued under the 2012 regulations are accompanied by afinding of no significant impacts, and ensure that all fees collected fully cover the cost ofadministering the program.Petitioners hereby request that CDFW approve the proposed amendments underemergency rulemaking authority pursuant to California Government Code section11346.1. The unregulated vacuum and suction dredge miners pose harms constituting an
emergency. These harms include impacts to public health and safety from mercury

Oh heck it's 28 pages long so go here to read the latest shaft to miners

Due to the increased price of ammo, do not expect a "warning" shot,response time will be measured in feet per second
. A Gov. afraid of it's citizens, tries to control their guns

I would still love for the "Fishing groups",to get roasted over the coals,for all the led they are introducing to MY waterways....whats good for the Goose...ya wanna throw stones?

They are next, between the lead and the pollution from two stroke boat motors. Just like lead shot for fowl hunting. No one group is exempt from these Envioro Nazis. Anyone who enjoys the outdoors should be having a stroke, instead they throwing the less represented and smaller groups under the bus, in hopes that these sacrifices will curb the appetitie of the MONSTER. Not going to happen.. JMHO

Ha Ha, fishing lead. It came from the earth, and it will return from the earth. We also buy our Steel from China now too. You can pee in the water, dump plastic and and soda cans in the water. Even leave the mercury in the water and let companies flush toxins in the water in California, but you cant clean the creek beds of all heavys in California. Did I get that right? I dont know the fee's dredgers were paying, or how much money they were spending to do California a favor by cleaning the waterways. But I bet it is a large tax base that they are not getting money from. Every day more and more restrictions are placed on me here to in my state on my recreational activity's. I no longer visit State Parks as there is nothing there I can do. Seems your only allowed to pay the fees and set in a filthy campground. Good news is, the campground is usually empty. All that to eat a $100 dollar hamburger. Yes that what it cost me to go BBQ a hamburger in the park anymore. So to deny people access to your parks California is a really bad idea. As for the greenies, well they always turn on each other in the end. But for the hard working, cash paying dredgers who worked the streams for decades, you are no more. It doesnt hurt just the parks, but every store owner they had to do business with. I say give it two years dredgers. Sooner or later they will have to open it back up.

There has been many folks expressing concern about having to go through hundreds of post to read what they are interested in. I am one of them. I dont dredge, but occasionally enjoy a post from here. Im going to have to find a new forum online that is more suited to my needs. There is a new trend with large forums that is turning folks off. They are loosing their entertainment and educational values. When is the last time any one of us has gotten some new information on here that really helped us? How many post did you have to go through just to read this one? I see no alternative to tnet. So no one will gain from this. We are all losers when folks put out negative or bad poop about our hobby. The educated idiots who make these silly new laws dont have a clue. All you are doing is throwing gasoline on a fire. I agree with the original post we are doing it to ourselves. I hope all the trolls get a kick out of it, and one day when they decide to dredge they get told no one sells that equipment anymore, and open dredging season is only 2 days long, and you have to draw a ticket in a state lottery and get lucky. Oh there is a 2 year waiting list just for the $25.00 dollar application fee, non refundable of course..............The original poster is very correct on this one.

I would still love for the "Fishing groups",to get roasted over the coals,for all the led they are introducing to MY waterways....whats good for the Goose...ya wanna throw stones?

They are already trying...
These guys are after everything including population control...

Center for Biological Diversity

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More press releases

For Immediate Release, March 13, 2012
Contact: Jeff Miller, (415) 669-7357
100 Groups Ask EPA to End Wildlife Poisoning From Lead Hunting AmmunitionLead Kills Millions of Birds, Including Eagles, Condors, and Hurts Human Health
WASHINGTON— One hundred organizations in 35 states today formally petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate toxic lead in hunting ammunition to protect public health and prevent the widespread poisoning of eagles, California condors and other wildlife. Up to 20 million birds die each year from lead poisoning after consuming spent lead shot and bullet fragments left in the wild from hunting.
“The unnecessary poisoning of eagles, condors and other wildlife is a national tragedy that the EPA can easily put an end to,” said Jeff Miller with the Center for Biological Diversity. “There are safe, available alternatives to lead ammo for all hunting and shooting sports, so there’s no reason for this poisoning to go on. Getting the lead out for wildlife is in line with traditional American conservation, hunting and fishing values.”
Today’s petition follows the EPA’s refusal in 2010 to review a petition asking for a ban on lead bullets, shotgun pellets and fishing tackle under the Toxic Substances Control Act, and seeks federal rules requiring use of nontoxic bullets and shot for hunting and shooting sports. It was filed by groups representing conservationists, birders, hunters, zoologists, scientists, American Indians, wildlife rehabilitators and veterinarians.
In the United States, 3,000 tons of lead are shot into the environment by hunters every year, while another 80,000 tons are released at shooting ranges. Birds and animals are poisoned when they scavenge on carcasses containing lead-bullet fragments or ingest spent lead-shot pellets, which can cover popular hunting grounds at high densities.
Spent lead from hunting is a widespread killer of bald and golden eagles, trumpeter swans, endangered California condors and more than 75 other species. Nearly 500 scientific papers have documented the dangers to wildlife from lead exposure.
“It’s encouraging to see so many groups unite to end lead poisoning of wildlife,” said Miller. “This isn’t about hunting — it’s about switching to nontoxic materials to stop preventable lead poisoning. Getting the lead out of hunting ammunition will reduce hunters’ lead exposure too, as well as the health risks to anyone eating shot game.”
There are many commercially available alternatives to lead rifle bullets, shotgun pellets, fishing weights and lures. More than a dozen manufacturers market hundreds of varieties and calibers of nonlead bullets and shot made of steel, copper and alloys of other metals, with satisfactory to superior ballistics. Nonlead bullets and fishing tackle are readily available in all 50 states. Hunters and anglers in states and areas that have lead restrictions or have already banned lead have made successful transitions to hunting with nontoxic bullets and fishing with nontoxic tackle.
“We wisely removed lead from gasoline and paint because of the dangers of lead poisoning, and now it’s time to do the same for hunting ammunition. Future generations will thank us,” Miller said.
For more information, read about the Center’s Get the Lead Out campaign. Media-ready photos and videos are also available here.
Lead has been known to be highly toxic for more than 2,000 years. Its use in water pipes, cosmetics, pottery and food is suspected to have been a contributing factor in the collapse of the Roman Empire. It is dangerous even at low levels; exposure can cause death or severe health effects, from acute, paralytic poisoning and seizures to subtle, long-term mental impairment, miscarriage, neurological damage, impotence or impaired reproduction, and growth inhibition. There may be no safe level of lead for fetuses and the young. In recent decades the federal government has implemented regulations to reduce human lead exposure in drinking water, batteries, paint, gasoline, toys, toxic dumps, wheel balancing weights and shooting ranges.
At least 75 wild bird species are poisoned by spent lead ammunition, including bald eagles, golden eagles, ravens and California condors. Despite being banned in 1992 for hunting waterfowl, spent lead shotgun pellets continue to be frequently ingested by swans, cranes, ducks, geese, loons and other waterfowl. Many birds also consume lead-based fishing tackle lost in lakes and rivers, often with deadly consequences.
Lead ammunition also poses health risks to people when bullets fragment in shot game and spread throughout the meat that humans eat. Studies using radiographs show that numerous imperceptible, dust-sized particles of lead can infect meat up to a foot and a half away from the bullet wound, causing a greater health risk to humans who consume lead-shot game than previously thought. State health agencies have had to recall venison donated to feed the hungry because of lead contamination. Nearly 10 million hunters, their families and low-income beneficiaries of venison donations may be at risk.
In denying the 2010 lead ban petition, the EPA claimed it lacks authority to regulate toxic lead bullets and shot under the Toxic Substances Control Act, which controls manufacture, processing and distribution of dangerous chemicals in the United States, including lead. Yet congressional documents and the language of the Act explicitly contradict the agency’s claim. The House report on the history and intent of the Act states it “does not exclude from regulation under the bill chemical components of ammunition which could be hazardous because of their chemical properties.” Petitioning organizations sued the EPA over the improper petition denial, but hit a procedural snag and the lawsuit was dismissed in September 2011. The EPA never evaluated lead ammunition risks to wildlife and human health, and the court never ruled on the merits of the petition or lawsuit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Timeline of lead hazard reduction for wildlife and people
Recent scientific studies on lead exposure for wildlife and humans
Lead poisoning index


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Oh,I know me,I know!!!!
They can no longer stock trout in the streams or lakes here because of that group,and dont get me started on the lead shot thing....I have been dealing with that regulation for the past 10 years(one of my other battles!!!)Just strikes me as odd....and has since day one,that these fishing groups are attacking us,like they think they are safe?Like Casca said....maybe they me re-phrase...they will turn on the fisherman as soon as they get us out of the way
They banned hound hunting for bears and other dog hunters wanted to get involved....guess what they are coming after next?Yep,hog dogs,coon dogs,fox dogs,deer dogs and BIRD dogs...they are coming!!!!

It's the new 'Obama' way of dealing with groups, divide and conquer. They are dividing us outdoors enthusiasts and conquering us. You can find something negative (and positive) with every outdoor sport, lead from fisherman, erosion from 4X4, riverbank erosion from rafters, ..... Unless we band together, we will all be picked off and be able to do nothing but sit on the couch and feed the political machine.


The Center for Biological Diversity
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations,
Institute for Fisheries Resources,
Karuk Tribe,
Friends of the River
California Sport fishing Protection Alliance
Foothill Angler’s Coalition
North Fork American River Alliance
Upper American River Foundation
Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center
Environmental Law Foundation
Klamath River keeper

Let them file there silly petition

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