Petition To Charge Sen. Feinstein With Treason Reaching 50,000 Votes


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White House Freaks Out Over Online Petition To Charge Sen. Feinstein With Treason Reaching 50,000 Votes

AUTHOR Warner Todd Huston
JUNE 1, 2013 4:36PM PST

A petition to charge Dianne Feinstein with treason that has gotten nearly 50,000 signatures is causing a bit of heartburn in Obama’s White House forcing team Obama to come to Di Fi’s defense.

One of the somewhat silly things that team Obama did when it came to office was to set up a website where Americans could float petitions filled with ideas and issues that they want Obama to address. Now, in theory this idea sounds great. But in practice, Obama just ignores all these things. But they do offer an interesting story from time to time.

A recent petition offers one of those stories. It is the petition to charge California Senator Dianne Feinstein with treason for her constant attacks on the U.S. Constitution, the Second Amendment in particular.

The strength of the petition has caused Obama to come to Feinstein’s defense.

Ah, schadenfreude.
The anti-DiFi petition was created in December of last year and only five months later it had gained nearly 50,000 signatures. The fifty thousand mark is where Obama’s perpetual political campaign/White House staff have said that they will publicly address an issue directly.

The Petition
Here is the text of the petition:

Try Senator Dianne Feinstein in a Federal Court For Treason To The Constitution
The Constitution was written to restrain the government. No amendment is more important for this purpose than the 2nd amendment.

The 2nd amendment was written so the power could be kept with the citizenry in the face of a tyrannical government. It was well understood the Constitution acknowledged certain rights that could not be limited by government.

Senator Dianne Feinstein has made it clear she does not believe in the Constitution or the inalienable rights of Americans to keep and bear arms. She is actively working to destroy the 2nd amendment with her 2013 assault weapons ban. For this reason we the people of the united States petition for her to be tried in Federal Court for treason to the Constitution.

By the end of May the petition had 41,162 signatures. If you want to sign, see the petition HERE.

We all know how Feinstein hates guns, of course. Remember this…

Anyway, even though the petition has not quite hit the 50 Thou mark, team Obama felt compelled to answer to DiFi’s critics.

Here is what the White House said to petitioners:

Where We Agree and Where We Don’t
We don’t believe that Senator Dianne Feinstein should be punished for championing legislation. In fact, we’re going to continue to work with her and other likeminded Members of Congress to put in place commonsense reforms to reduce gun violence.

But we’re willing to have a reasonable debate about the steps we should take to make the country safer for our kids.

And it actually seems like we’re starting from a place of common agreement: Like many of you, President Obama believes that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms.

That’s never been in question with this discussion. What we’ve proposed are steps within the framework of that constitutional right to protect our communities from shootings and violence. If you want to see the specifics of our plan, you should visit

Now generally, it’s up to our courts to resolve matters of constitutionality. But no less an authority than Justice Antonin Scalia has written, “Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose” — so we’re pretty confident that we’re on solid ground when we say we support Senator Feinstein’s legislation to that effect.
We also believe that there’s room for a civil discourse on matters of public policy — where we don’t try to silence our political opponents just because we disagree with them. In America, all of us, even those with whom you disagree, have the right to help to set our nation’s course.

Which is exactly why we created the We the People platform. Even if you disagree with everything you just read, we want you to walk away from this process with knowledge that we’re doing our best to listen — even to our harshest critics.

Apparently the White House feels that insulting our intelligence by claiming that Obama respects the Second Amendment and the U.S. Constitution is the way to go, eh?
But, Obama is just as bad a lair and demagogue about guns as DiFi, so it shouldn’t be surprising that he is running to her support.

It is also a bit disingenuous to claim that DiFi is just doing her duty as a lawmaker, too. She tried this failed gun ban business back in 1995 and dozens of times since.

With as many times as she’s tried and failed to get the Second Amendment nullified with un-Constitutional federal laws one would think that her lawless agenda would be pretty clear by now.

But, maybe I’m wrong? Is Dianne Feinstein just doing her duty?

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"White House Freaks Out"? Or responded appropriately and calmly to an otherwise politically charged and controversial topic?

Just presenting another possible viewpoint.

I think the "freak out' part comes from fact they made official comment before petition had enough signatures which is extremely rare, I do not remember last time white house has officially responded to a petition that did not have the required signatures yet.

Do I think she is guilty of treason, close, but if not she is certainly guilty of violating her oath of office to protect and defend the constitution, more than half of this adminstration is guilty if that....

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I think the "freak out' part comes from fact they made official comment before petition had enough signatures which is extremely rare, I do not remember last time white house has officially responded to a petition that did not have the required signatures yet.

Do I think she is guilty of treason, close, but if not she is certainly guilty of violating her oath of office to protect and defend the constitution, more than half of this adminstration is guilty if that....

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I would be willing to accept that response.

I just don't like extremes. To post a petition and acuse someone of treason is certainly extreme and quite dramatic, IMO.

I would be willing to accept that response.

I just don't like extremes. To post a petition and acuse someone of treason is certainly extreme and quite dramatic, IMO.

Her constant attack on Bill of Rights is extreme and dramatic and grounds for impeachment if not treason which I believe she is guilty of.

She is on record saying she wants to take every single firearm away from all American citizens, that is a violation of her oath to defend our Constitution and any attack on our Bill of Rights is treason.....

Petition has my name..

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I thought the quote from gun rights advocate Scalia was very well put. I think everyone knows he has prob championed gun rights more than anyone else on the Supreme Court. I think it's worth people who are not familiar with rulings surrounding the second to remember his words ...

"""But no less an authority than Justice Antonin Scalia has written, “Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose” —"""

I thought the quote from gun rights advocate Scalia was very well put. I think everyone knows he has prob championed gun rights more than anyone else on the Supreme Court. I think it's worth people who are not familiar with rulings surrounding the second to remember his words ...

"""But no less an authority than Justice Antonin Scalia has written, “Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose” —"""

Has nothing to do with petition....

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Has nothing to do with petition....

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What do you mean, it was part of the administrations response to the petition? This is a direct copy paste from what you yourself posted??

Read your entire article. I thought it was balanced.i think the response provided by the administration was pretty good don't you think?

Shame on you 0121stockpicker - are we DEFLECTING again? Haven't you been warned about this?

Shame on you 0121stockpicker - are we DEFLECTING again? Haven't you been warned about this?

Please leave moderating to mods, applies to both sides...

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Read your entire article. I thought it was balanced.i think the response provided by the administration was pretty good don't you think?

No , I don't but typical for this adminstration. The fact they responded before it even reached min signatures says a lot...

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No , I don't but typical for this adminstration. The fact they responded before it even reached min signatures says a lot...

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I think it was well written with valid points made.

Treason? She should get a medal. She has done more for the pro-gun lobby single handedly then any other person. Her bill failed miserably, NRA membership skyrocketed, and gun sales are at record highs. Seriously, she should be thanked for her bumbling and taken out for a nice steak dinner. She advanced your position and all the pro-gun lobby had to do was watch her fail.

Treason? She should get a medal. She has done more for the pro-gun lobby single handedly then any other person. Her bill failed miserably, NRA membership skyrocketed, and gun sales are at record highs. Seriously, she should be thanked for her bumbling and taken out for a nice steak dinner. She advanced your position and all the pro-gun lobby had to do was watch her fail.

So if someone commits treason but in process of the investigation a plot against gov is discovered do we give the traitor a medal and parade?

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Crispin that is an absolutley perfect way to look at it in my opinion.. You sure hit the nail on the head.. Instead of looking at what she was trying to do look at what she accomplished.. It's great.. Thanks for sharing your point of view.. As always worth reading..

So if someone commits treason but in process of the investigation a plot against gov is discovered do we give the traitor a medal and parade?

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I don't think that is what Crispin is trying to say at all.. I think the point he is trying to get acrossed is why point out the treason if the person trying to commit it failed so miserably in the attempt.. I'm not condoning treason and neither is Crispin in my opinion but he does make a valid point.. The fact that she tried to railroad the 2nd amendment and only succeeded in making it stronger and it's supporters stronger completely blew up in her face.. If this is the effects of her treason i say she take on health insurance and taxes next..

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So once again Politicians will be held ABOVE THE LAW ? Violating an OATH is a crime . Ask any judge of court . I now carry more often because of higher crime rates . With the comments to Finkstien , I should take the criminals out to dinner for causing me to excersize my 2nd Amendment Rights ? .......:dontknow:.........:BangHead:

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