Pennies Wrapped in Foil???


Sr. Member
May 17, 2005
Just got back from a couple hours out at the lakefront. After a midnight grocery run, I set back at the computer and started doing some GOOGLING and other research. Before I knew it, it was about 4 am and I had to do some cleanup around the house before going to bed. Anyone else out there clean up for the maids??? As I laid down, the sun was just starting to throw some color in the sky. I laid there for about 10 minutes thinking of how cool it would be, getting some pictures of the colorful sunrise and maybe doing a little detecting while down at the beach. So, up I went, and out to the car.

The park was desolate so I pulled out the detector and went up to the park and searched the Tot Lot and Volleyball Pit. Didn't spend too much time on the Volleyball Pit. I guess you could say I got a little bored with it. Also, being that I hadn't been to bed yet, I thought it might take too much time to really cover the area. So, I went to the play area and hit the swings and slides etc. While up there, I started getting really frustrated. I kept getting hits and every time I set my detector down to dig, it would be right on top of another target. It started with pennies, all wrapped in foil. Seemed really wierd to me. Anyone encounter this before? After giving up on the area and, actually, feeling that the area was well searched, That is, a quick resweep resulted in no beeps, I then moved to another area. Along the way, my detector hit on something about 4.5" down. I started to dig and dig and dig and couldn't find the target. Out of frustration, I got down and scooped a hole, about 10" accross, all the way down to the base ( I would say more than 6"), and found 2 diecast cars. One, a blue Porche, larger than a Hotwheel, and the other a Hotwheels, I think it was, bus. I then went around to a couple other swings and found a quarter and a dime and around to a third set of swings where it happened again.

This time they weren't wrapped but I kept finding one penny after another. Nothing but pennies. All about an inch to inch and a half and so close together that as I would dig one, I would seem to put my detector down on top of another. I searched for about 20 minutes scooping one penny after another till, dripping with perspiration and about to fall asleep, I gave up.

Got home and dumped my pockets and didn't even count everything yet. Going to head off to bed now but wanted to post this while it was on my mind.

Actually, kind of a nice time of day to be searching. So quiet and peaceful. Plus the light just gets better as you go on. Unlike the other night when I went out. The beach was crowded until after sunset. By the time everyone left, and I could search, it started to get too dark to see what was in the scoop.

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maybe someones science project, I made batteries that way with a penny, lemon juice inside foil, but you have to wrap the penny with paper or it shorts to the foil. just an idea! lol

omnicognic said:
maybe someones science project, I made batteries that way with a penny, lemon juice inside foil, but you have to wrap the penny with paper or it shorts to the foil. just an idea! lol
or a science project to see if the new zinc pennies would still deterioriate if sealed and buried. ???

I love the early mornings! I always get up around 4:00 AM DST, make coffee and sip coffee while I scan through the paper. Then it's off to wherever I decide to prospect for the morning. I usually arrive at my site around 6:00 AM just as the sun is coming up. Sometimes I take a cup of coffee and just lean on the hood of my truck and watch the sun come up. If you want to know where the crowd is, drive by the nearest convenience store as they are usually busy early. I hunt the open areas until the sun is well up , about 8:00 then I move to the shade until about 9:30. By then it is starting to warm up and a few people are out and about on foot. So then I head to the house, have another cup of Joe and finish reading the paper. Then it's off to honeydos or work around the house and sometimes a couple hours nap. I spend the heat of the day inside doing whatever needs tobe done and then get back out at dusk to mow grass, waters the lawn or whatever. That's pretty much my daily schedule since retiring. When we have rain it is usually overnight so sometimes my prospecting is pretty muddy but easy digging! I call it prospecting because most of the time I don't know where I'm going until I get there! JIM

cleanup for the maids?

You betcha! I get into it with my wife every time she says, we have to vacuum and dust today because the cleaning lady is coming tomorrow. This just makes absolutly no sense to me. Sort of like saying, wash the car today because it's going to the car wash later.

What years were the pennies that were wrapped in foil?
In the 50's and 60's, it was common to wrap 2 pennies in tin foil to put on your penny loafers.

(it made the pennies look like they were made of silver)

I never unwrapped them to check the dates. They did seem pretty current though, from what I saw. It wasn't like one or two of them though, like might have been lost from some shoes.? ?I am figuring that it was some kids goofing around.? Or, with all the other pennies that I found spread under a swingset in an area about 4' x 8',? (there were many more there.? I just gave up digging them), someone had mined the area with people like me in mind.? I can hear them all giggling right now. :D Don't know if there was a purpose to the foil or not.?

Among the mine field of unwrapped coins, several of those were older pennies. I found 3 or 4 of them that were pre, 1969.

Here are some pictures of this mornings finds.? ?





wmas, cool flamed bus. Found the same one at a razed house lot here. Hot Wheel 1988 Malaysia, wonder how many 100,000 there are out there waiting for some grownup kid to find? LOL

A mined volleyball court, eh? That's ok with me! I like finding pennies as much as any other coin, and if they want to mine the area, than fine, more for me! It's all money, right? I stick all my clad finds in a bin with my daily pocket change, and roll it up once a month or so, for deposit in my rainy day savings acct. Since I started this (almost 2 years ago, before I started detecting) I've put away over $1500.00, just in daily change and clad finds. Not bad at all! The wife thought I was nuts, until I showed her the balance a while ago, lol! Anyway, if people want to mine an area with their pennies and giggle while I dig em up, that's cool by me!! I'll bet those gigglers either haven't got 2 nickels to rub together themselves, or their well off enough not to care about money. Send those pennies my way!!!

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