Pendulum helps with finds.


Gold Member
Jul 14, 2007
I posted this in techniques originally, then I found this area.

I have been using a pendulum to help me find goodies.
I keep it in my pocket and take it out when I am alone
to show me directions.
My last hunt there were two other people, so I couldn't
take it out until the end of the hunt, and BAM, three finds
in a row!!
My hunting partner doesn't seem to think much of "that kind of stuff"
so I just keep it to myself. Anyone else deal with this stuff?
Anyone else use a pendulum??
Here are the links to my last two hunts.,174028.0.html,175532.0.html

Hey tymcmurray….Nice finds…..There are a whole lot of disbelievers out there. They seem to think that a metal detector is the only treasure hunting tool and the rest are fake. When they see you finding stuff with your pendulum that is when they start making excuses. They will tell you that your knowledge found it or that you would have found it with out the pendulum. Keep doing what you are doing as you have proved to yourself that it is working….Art

One of the only times I tried dowsing was in an area of some small camps and I found two or three Washington Arsenal bullets and early one reale.

Another time I used the pendulum on a map and found a spot that would probably be a good camp site. I shared it with a couple of buddies, but they didn't want to go with me, so I never went. About 6 months later they invited me to go to their site that they'd hunted for 2 years was the same place! They had already been hunting it and it was a pretty good sized CS camp. I did end up with a Louisiana cuff from there.

Incidently, when I went to the bookstore to get dowsing and pendulum books, the hair stood up on my neck as I went into the "Occult/Psycho' section.

It has worked for me, but I think it's a little creepy.

That’s one of the problems. Some people keep putting labels on stuff they have no understanding of. "Occult/Psycho'…What do they mean…

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see Occult (disambiguation).
The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to "knowledge of the hidden".[1] In the medical sense it is used to refer to a structure or process that is hidden, e.g. an "occult bleed"[2] may be one detected indirectly by the presence of otherwise unexplained anaemia.
The word has many uses in the English language, popularly meaning "knowledge of the paranormal", as opposed to "knowledge of the measurable",[3][4] usually referred to as science. The term is sometimes popularly taken to mean "knowledge meant only for certain people" or "knowledge that must be kept hidden", but for most practicing occultists it is simply the study of a deeper spiritual reality that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences.[5] The terms esoteric and arcane can have a very similar meaning, and the three terms are often interchangeable.[6][7]
The term occult is also used as a label given to a number of magical organizations or orders, and the teachings and practices as taught by them. The name also extends to a large body of literature and spiritual philosophy.

Psycho is slang for a person who is either psychopathic or psychotic. The term is often considered mildly offensive or derogatory

tymcmurray said:
I have been using a pendulum to help me find goodies.
I keep it in my pocket and take it out when I am alone
to show me directions.

Glad to hear you're having success in the field with the pendulum. I'm new to the pendulum. Do you mind explaining how you use yours? Do you ask questions outloud wanting yes/no answers, or does the pendulum swing the direction that you are supposed to go? Thanks

Digum said:
Glad to hear you're having success in the field with the pendulum. I'm new to the pendulum. Do you mind explaining how you use yours? Do you ask questions outloud wanting yes/no answers, or does the pendulum swing the direction that you are supposed to go? Thanks

That is exactly how I use it in the field. I use VERY specific questions like facing a certain
direction and saying, "Will I find a significant find if I go in this direction?", and then, if I get a yes, I narrow it down with, "Will I find it withing 5 steps?" and so on.
Sometimes I get excited and don't ask specific enough questions like, "Will I find something
in this direction?". That will get you nowhere fast. LOL
I went on a hunt the other day, didn't use me pendulum, and got iron ALL day long. You
would think that I would learn to use more help.
There was a hunt that the pendulum told me that there was a significant find in 3 steps and
all I got was a can lid, only to find out later that the can lid was a Civil War Shoulder Scale.
So, have fun, be specific, USE the help, and trust yourself.

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey tymcmurray….Nice finds…..There are a whole lot of disbelievers out there. They seem to think that a metal detector is the only treasure hunting tool and the rest are fake. When they see you finding stuff with your pendulum that is when they start making excuses. They will tell you that your knowledge found it or that you would have found it with out the pendulum. Keep doing what you are doing as you have proved to yourself that it is working….Art
wildrider said:
One of the only times I tried dowsing was in an area of some small camps and I found two or three Washington Arsenal bullets and early one reale.

Another time I used the pendulum on a map and found a spot that would probably be a good camp site. I shared it with a couple of buddies, but they didn't want to go with me, so I never went. About 6 months later they invited me to go to their site that they'd hunted for 2 years was the same place! They had already been hunting it and it was a pretty good sized CS camp. I did end up with a Louisiana cuff from there.

Incidently, when I went to the bookstore to get dowsing and pendulum books, the hair stood up on my neck as I went into the "Occult/Psycho' section.

It has worked for me, but I think it's a little creepy.

Thanks for the encouragement.
What is interesting to me is that MOST people believe in some sort of "Intuition",
but many of those same people don't believe in tools to "magnify" that intuition.
Talk about WEIRD. LOL

tymcmurray said:
That is exactly how I use it in the field. I use VERY specific questions like facing a certain direction and saying, "Will I find a significant find if I go in this direction?", and then, if I get a yes, I narrow it down with, "Will I find it withing 5 steps?" and so on.

Thanks tymcmurray. That sounds simple enough. When I began using the pendulum a few weeks ago, I was concerned I'd use it wrong and it wouldn't work for me. Now I just have fun with it, not so serious, and it's working. I've been learning alot from others on this forum about both the pendulum and rods. One thing I've learned is some have a different style, and another thing I've learned is whatever style works for you, use it.

A little late on this. Has anyone tried using a chart like the yes & no charts but with numbers to dowse a Lat & long? Been experimenting with this a little, but haven't been able to finish up the other projects to get out to verify.

I'd be interested in others experiences or techniques.

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