Past 3 hunts (Mass. Artillery Button field)


Hero Member
Sep 10, 2010
Western Massachusetts
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
White's MXT
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting

So last week Bob and I headed to a field where much good stuff had come from in the past. We didn't get to stay long because of Norma's dinner curfew, but we managed to get some time in. He found a button or two, and some musketballs I think. I found the rein guide (sheild shaped relic), a flat button (upper right), a musketball, some pottery and glass, plus a pipe stem.
Fast-forward to Friday: Bob has the day off, so he decided to go back to the field. He oh so kindly asked me if I wanted to go (as if I would say no :P) and I got my stuff ready and met him at the field. We starded in a different area of the field, that had been just turned over and rained on, but we decided it wasn't packed down enough i.e. the lack of signals. Se we headed to the area of the first day, and things were more productive. (see When Paul called back the third time (to relay information about the button), Bon asked if he wanted to join us, but Paul said he couldn't, although he really wanted to. It was getting late and we were getting hungry so we called it a night, and headed back to Bob's. Shortly after arriving, we get a call from Paul asking where we were, for he had headed to the field to surprise us only to find that we weren't there xD So he ended up coming over to Bob's house so he could see the button (and us, it had been a while) and he and his girlfriend stayed for a couple hours, and to be honest I can't remember who left first, me or them :P We had made a plan to go out the next day (early) so after posting my button on here I went to DreamLand.
~8:30 Saturday morning. My mom wakes me up, because she had called Bob and found out that he would be coming over to pick up in 20 minutes. Normally, it takes that long for me to wake up, but I was outside wating for him all freshened up with my gear outside when he came :D. We drove to the field with much anticipation, and once we got there, we started hunting. Ten minutes later Paul showed up. We went all over the place doing patters but sometimes we just wandered. I was wandering from on side of the field to the other, machine totally silent (except for the occasional nail) and halfway back from the end I got a solid signal, and it turned out to be my first Intrepid spoon handle (I believe that's what it is called, but I can't find any references on the Internet. Any insight? (with the three points at the top)). Early 1700's. Bob only has one in 25 years of detecting as well. Throughout the rest of the hunt I ended up with two more buttons (bottom two in the picture), some fired musketballs, the swirly thing (we don't know what this is, Bob and I have found other pieces of something extremely similar in that field. see Bob has one Identical piece to the one in that post, plus another swirl at the top that is broken off of mine (it isn't my new swirl, the new one has berries or something) Paul believes they are very old (as do I) and he thinks they may be off of some sort of belt-sword hanger. These I will put in the What Is It? forum. Anyhow, all of my finds from the past three hunts are on here. Also, Bob found an absolutely beautiful 1802 large cent, 10 feet from me. This elusive copper taunts me once more :/ BUT we have 25+ cellar holes that may not be hunted that we are going to hit in a couple weeks (or sooner, or, yay, both). I'm so exited for those!

Okay, that's all! Thanks for reading!



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