Park or Dump?



I tried hunting in a lonely mini-park behind the town's largest cemetery. It quickly became clear the place is a hang-out for the older "kids". I had one kid - nice enough - approach me to be in the background of a heavy metal video they were putting together - NOT. So I moved on to the largest park in town. I've had luck in the past but found the place full of trash - so much so I gave up after an hour or so and left. Folks must go there at night to drink, etc. and bury the bottle caps, lids, beer cans, etc directly where they sit. Seriously - the trashy signals were near constant with no strong targets in between. I would swear the town uses trash as the foundation/filler to all their landscaping. Anyone else run up on this with "newer" parks? I'm burning a lot of gas and a handful of batteries for a few coins.....clearly this is a labor of love.

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i've found a lot of parks are built on land unfit for building on, like old trash dumps that cant support structures.

Sucks to think that people are to lazy to walk to a garbage can or carry their trash out with them..

I went to a beach the other day, not very big but a cooooool place. I was there about an Hr.
NOTHING! but bottle caps, got ready to leave and found 1 dime...... but I had fun and got to
see an AWESOME! sun sitting in front of the TV :thumbsup:

Went to a local beach yesterday and found a beer can cache. They took enough time to dig a hole big enough for a 12 pack when the trash can was 25 feet away. Now that's lazy.

I went out again this morning & hit 3 parks: the first dated back to the 50s (according to the sign) but was completely remodeled and partially fenced. The surfaced was all pea gravel and trash filler with sod bricks. Not much there. The second provided a few more coins but not much (expected,given its location). The last provided a quarter, dollar coin and lots of pennies.......but was so full of trash, there is no doubt it is designed in as filler. that I know what is just beneath the surface, I would not sit on the grass again. Still, marching on...........

Went to a local beach yesterday and found a beer can cache. They took enough time to dig a hole big enough for a 12 pack when the trash can was 25 feet away. Now that's lazy.

I would not call digging a hole to bury a 12 pack lazy when the trash can was 25 feet away, digging took more energy. Stupid on the other hand is what I would call it. :D

It was a shallow hole and the cans where crushed. He probably didn't have to stand to dig the hole. Either way lazy.

I have come across newer parks that seem to use trash as part of the fill. It might be worth it to pick one park and more or less map out a 10x10 or 20x20 area and work in all metal mode with max sensitivity and dig every target. At some point you might get all the trash removed and who knows what else you may find in the process. If it pans out to be can stake out another similar size spot and do the same thing. If it doesn't pan've only spent time cleaning up a small area.

I have come across newer parks that seem to use trash as part of the fill. It might be worth it to pick one park and more or less map out a 10x10 or 20x20 area and work in all metal mode with max sensitivity and dig every target. At some point you might get all the trash removed and who knows what else you may find in the process. If it pans out to be can stake out another similar size spot and do the same thing. If it doesn't pan've only spent time cleaning up a small area.

I did something very similar to this at a local baseball field that probably dates back to the 50s or later. There is a grassy area that has a dugout area, is next to the concession building, and is a major spot where people sit up chairs or lay out blankets to watch the game. When I first started hitting this area (maybe 40' x 50' overall), the ground was solid pull tabs and bottle caps. I focused on a small half of it, digging every signal, including iron. On my 3rd or 4th visit to sweep this area, I pulled out two wheat pennies from the same hole around 8" down, in an area that I had been over multiple times. All of the nearby garbage had been masking the pennies.

I've noticed on my last hunt at this park, that I seem to be digging more older trash and deeper targets. Hopefully there is some deep silver in there...

I hunted a park put in in 07 last spring,found some of my BEST finds there,of course it was an OLD farm field. GodBless Chris

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