Pardon me while I whine


Sr. Member
Aug 20, 2005
Oak Ridge, TN
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Whites XLT and Minelab Excalabur 11
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Man this is getting to me. I somehow injured the tendons in my arm a month ago and haven't detected since. It's my swinging arm. I can't even lift a glass of soda. I'm having severe withdrawal. Ive worn the brace religiously, babied it, cursed it, and smothered it in the whole family of liniments. I finally saw the dr yesterday and he put me on a dose pack of prednisone. That stuff runs me up the wall but I'll take it. Lol. If he told me I had to eat dog poop to recover I'd seriously consider it!
The kicker is I think I did it while lifting some light weights so I wouldn't lose the muscle I'd built while detecting this summer and spring. I have a very stressful job and detecting is my stress release, much more of this and I might not have a job. Lol thanks for listening! Y'all have a good one and find a bunch!

My sympathy card is in the mail :icon_thumright: Then again, you may not get it because I don't know your name or address, nor did I put any postage on it :tongue3: Hope you at least smiled to ease your pain there.

spartacus53 said:
My sympathy card is in the mail :icon_thumright: Then again, you may not get it because I don't know your name or address, nor did I put any postage on it :tongue3: Hope you at least smiled to ease your pain there.

LOL Spartacus! You're alright. :)

I pulled something in my shoulder about 3 days ago. I did it trying to pull some limbs from a tree before getting the tractor and removing them. The next day I could barely lift my arm without knowing that I had overworked it. The following day it was ok till I got it over straight out. Today is is ok. This happens every time I use a muscle I haven't used for a long time. I guess we all have different healing rates. I am 75 and have noticed over the years that it takes longer to heal if i "baby" it. The light movement that hurts a little also helps it heal. Good luck with the arm. Frank


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If you live through the withdrawls, EASE back into it. Go slow. Don't re-injure yourself lifting that great big cache. I'll help you out... BTW, can you out-run a 63 year old? No..... maybe you should lift the cache on your own.... I can't run fast enough to steal it! Get better! TTC

i tore some muscles in my shoulder 3 yrs ago and it sometimes puts me in so much pain i cant even use my arm. so on those days that i cant go MD im MDing the web for info on new spots and setting around picking the old timers for info. its been helping me alot. ive found a few promising places ill soon enough check out.
hope you get filling better i know the withdraws are a curse. when i find a new good spot i cant sleep the night before i go check it out :P

Really feel for ya having to take the Prednisone. That stuff makes me nervous as long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Hey they can't keep a good Hillbilly down. You will be back up and swinging in no time. Best of luck. :icon_thumleft:

Thank you all so much. Yeah, I'm already feeling the effects of the prednisone but I don't have to take it long. It may be my imagination but my arm isn't aching as much today. I just hope it healed by my vacation next month. My hubby told me he would take me anywhere I want within driving distance of our home do I could metal detect to my hearts content. I plan on going to a beach with my Excal but haven't decided where yet.

Hay Gal, anywhere is within driving range unless it is off shore. Frank


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Hope you get to feeling better! Maybe light exercises, then ice it after.

Put on a thong bikini, your sunglasses, a stylish broad brimmed straw hat, grab a margarita in your good hand and find some dumb bas***d to do the detector thing. He can operate it, dig the treasure and then show it to you for your approval while you stroll along with nary a care in the world. Probably works better in Hawaii, but who knows?

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