panning around a spring

There's a spring about a half mile from my house, it brings up some interesting minerals including (small) green garnets. I certainly would.

:hello2: Always-anywhere--anytime-check it all-gold is always where you don't expect it ESPECIALLY around springs-tons a au 2 u 2 -John

Good Morning my friend Hosier John: As I once mentioned, there is an Indian that found Gold in a spring on the Gloria Pan arroyo. Every day it brought up several grams of fine Gold, so he built a cabin right over the spring and simply collected the gold daily. He lived quite well for the Back Sierra country.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa said:
Good Morning my friend Hosier John: As I once mentioned, there is an Indian that found Gold in a spring on the Gloria Pan arroyo. Every day it brought up several grams of fine Gold, so he built a cabin right over the spring and simply collected the gold daily. He lived quite well for the Back Sierra country.

Don Jose de La Mancha

I would very much consider building a cabin over it if it has gold coming out of it. Couldn't be that lucky, could I? Guess there is only one way to find out.

DJDLM--Now THAT sounds like a place of biblical proportions. Lounge around and just wait for it to show. NEVER been that lucky but do like the gophers,ground squirrels,and critters who dig dens and push that dirt out for me to sample. :laughing7: tons a au 2 u 2-John

I wouldn't spend too much time doing the sand. You need to get below the sand! Onto bedrock or any false bedrock (lava flow) at the bottom of the spring. Yes, do a classified small bucket (3 gal) to check it out. Then, dig to the bottom and thouroughly do the sand/gravels/dirt that lies at the bottom. Just before you get to this last stage... call me. I'll help you out at this point for half of the take.... TTC

Ain't gona hurt noth'in to try it . I'd pan anything I took a mind to . Forget about the people or publications who tell you ...... " your wasting your time , ain't gona be no gold there " . The plain truth is , they don't know for sure . But you will ....... when you see for yourself . I'm of the belief that it never hurts to try and I've had reason to strengthen that belief over a few years .

Whats that they used to say when you was a kid ......... uh .........uh.........oh yea !

CAINT never COULD ! Pan on brother .

sample holes require do wanna know if you have several pay layers..however in a creek that sees decent flow yearly...i will rake the sand out of the way.. and try to sample the bedrock right away.....this is a spring though so the sand is deposited differently in a creek sand is deposited by floods its where it is for different reasons. i know a guy who gets gold from his his toilet dust toilet built over tertiary river................i hate him....punk. ;D so i say study your geology see whats possible and find bed rock...if you do find gold in your sand your gonna need more than a pan :laughing7:

pvillehunter, I think I would put some other type of tank between my well and toilet tank, just to make sure I wasn't flushing my gold, but that's pretty neat. Thanks for the advice.

seriously think of the gold that may be caught in fittings,n seams n such...."honey.... the pipes are clogged call the plumber already"......sometime later plumber says.."ok sir your pipes are workin"....."well what was the clog?"...."oh just some stuff in the line call me out anytime ill take care of it....."

pvillehunter said:
sample holes require do wanna know if you have several pay layers..however in a creek that sees decent flow yearly...i will rake the sand out of the way.. and try to sample the bedrock right away.....this is a spring though so the sand is deposited differently in a creek sand is deposited by floods its where it is for different reasons. i know a guy who gets gold from his his toilet dust toilet built over tertiary river................i hate him....punk. ;D so i say study your geology see whats possible and find bed rock...if you do find gold in your sand your gonna need more than a pan :laughing7:

Have your friend install a Commercial Activated Carbon water filter to catch it all.
Barbe Q the plugged up filter and get the gold.

There's a spring about a half mile from my house, it brings up some interesting minerals including (small) green garnets. I certainly would.

hi astro if your finding green garnets they may be whats cal Uvarovite they are not really common where this spring is do you have serpentine or limestone but whats weird is this kind of Garnet is found in CA so if you find anymore try to save them and get them checked out

Nj: that really depends on the underlying geologic formation and the flow of the water. There has to be gold in the path of the flow, and that flow has to be sufficient to move the gold. Research and active sampling are really the only way to tell

i know one in Tazewell VA but it may look to good to be true

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