Palladium in Quartzo Feldspathic Gneiss ?

Pradeep Arumugam

Nov 3, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi all,

Im a new member here. Recently we purchased a land which had lot of rocks. Got it tested from Geologist and he said its fully of Quartzo Feldspathic Gneiss rock. Also gave samples for XRD testing and the graph peak indicates Palladium Zinc. Does it mean this rock has palladium content in it? Can you someone clarify this for me ?

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You bought land with lot of rocks? Missouri I'm guessing.
Neat rocks but I can't help. Someone will.

From what I've looked up on the web, palladium tends to be found in mafic igneous rocks, which means that geniss could be a viable source rock. Of course, the geologist that tested your samples is going to know a lot more than me, so you should probably talk to them again if you have any questions. Since you tested your samples, you might as well get your money's worth with an expert opinion :laughing7:

Looks promising but regarding my own dealings with XR analysis; I would run it through a chemical/ICP or AA assay to get a positive and quantifiable number. There is too much potential for either false or exaggerated positives in these specific group of elements. Also, being that the material is still in matrix, these can create issues.

Palladium, being part of the six-member PGE or PGM (platinum group elements/metals) is almost exclusively accompanied by the other five: Platinum, Iridium, Rhodium, Ruthenium and Osmium. The ratios will vary but Im saying this because you might as well test for at least Rh and Pt if doing a follow-up assay.

I have found PGMs and other rare earths in schist and gneiss; more often associated with feldspathic host rock vs. quartz. So, its not unreasonable that you may have found some too. However, a 'classic' laboratory analysis is the only way to determine if it is worth exploring.

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