Joe (Memphis)
Flash forward 150 years..... it is Christmas day 2155, little Johny Skywalker is sitting by the Christmas tree unpacking his new detector. The cherished SUX 5000 ground penetrating radar detector with 10" HD holographic projection monitor and computer aided coin feature recognition enhancement and direct satellite interface to www.coinbluebook.com (so you can see if it it realy worth your time digging). What happens when little Johny goes outside? NOTHING... NADA... ZILCH.... Why? Because those that came before already found all the clad, and all that is heard from little Johny is "Dad, what does Trace levels of zinc mean?" His answer... "Well, son, in the early 1980's the chincy mint decided to base their currency not on precious metals like gold or silver, or even puka shells like we do today, but on zinc, a metal that desentigrates within 5 years of soil contact.... enjoy your penny son....
Just a thought
Just a thought