Oregons new Governor?


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May 22, 2014
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J.O.G Trommel
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Oregon's new Governor?

I have no idea what our new Gov. is like or what her environmental ties are. If anyone here has any info please share with the rest of us. New Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Dem. I do know that there has been some pretty fishy things going on here. Today just after the announcement of his resignation a major shipping company closed it's business in our biggest port. Now everything will go through Seattle. Nearly 700 direct jobs lost, not to mention all the lost support and service jobs. Please also add any new information on SB 838. My understanding was they were going to eliminate gas engines within 300 ft of any waterway. I don't know how that went. I do not believe that part made it, if so I can't even mow my lawn this Summer.

Kate Brown is more of a liberal than Kitzhaber
Kate Brown testified against us at the SB838 hearings

She studied environmental law at Lewis and Clark College in Portland
The home of our arch enemy NEDC
"In my opinion" Kate Brown had a major roll in Kitzhaber & Cylvia Hayes environmental agenda
all being pushed by OLCV & NEDC and are secretly in a compact with the Democrats.

Well your old Governor was doing some shady crap with getting government bids and jobs for his girlfriend then later wife who was given special treatment by the governor and a left wing Democrat billionaire giving funds to get certain things he wanted. Your old Governor had a nice little you scratch my back ill scratch yours going on. There's a lot to it but there was some environmental crap too that the girlfriend was involved with. It all stinks and you know how some if the leftists are about the environment and keeping people out of areas for stupid stuff like a a three eyed owl that hoots backwards lives on the woods so nobody can set foot here ever. Always some way to stick it in our eye while saying its for our own good. Good luck with your new Dem Governor, your old one was doing a bang up job.

There should be a special election. Now we get a Gov. that no one voted for, who will be in charge for the next term. Fees and fines will be increased as the World dumps the dollar. When those dollars come home to roost they implode our economy. One of their cards they will play is increasing taxes, fees and fines. Any of those in a sense take dollars out of the system therefore saving the dollar. We all have a huge target on our backs this year, more so than years earlier. If we have a hardcore anti-mining environmentalist in charge, we will all be paying this year in a huge way. Almost seems scripted doesn't it? I know this is bordering political but this affects us all.

Can't we just take the politicos, line them all up and use them for target practice? Awww.... come on you know you wanna! If we can't shoot them, how about we go with what was suggested in another thread? A "Dishonorable Discharge" if they are caught playing games that benefit special interest groups over the will of the people. If they get a dishonorable discharge they loose all personal assets, are banned from EVER holding a public office again and must take a job at McDonalds flipping burgers. Considering that when they play these games and they hurt everyone in their state, I think that would be a fitting punishment. Oh... And let's not forget that they have to pay back the people with interest!!!!

Kate Brown is more of a liberal than Kitzhaber
Kate Brown testified against us at the SB838 hearings

She studied environmental law at Lewis and Clark College in Portland
The home of our arch enemy NEDC
"In my opinion" Kate Brown had a major roll in Kitzhaber & Cylvia Hayes environmental agenda
all being pushed by OLCV & NEDC and are secretly in a compact with the Democrats.
K Brown is a real piece of work boys. Good luck with this one

" My understanding was they were going to eliminate gas engines within 300 ft of any waterway". Does that effect the Jet Boat guys? If so, I hope they become aware of it.

Only time you see a politician taking notice of us common folk or as they call us " the peons" is when they want our vote. Once in office its who plops down the most stacks of cash that gets attention. Answer this if we get fired from our job do we continue to get paid? When these politicians aren't reelected that's being fired yet they still get paid except if busted like this Governor. Just not fair that we foot the bill for their continued salary

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