Oregon needs Help senate bill 838 and 401 to stop Gold mining

Yep...they are still at it....adding some new wording and twists to the old attempts to stop mining in Oregon. This last one they added (SB 838) if passed would go immediately into law and cause a moratorium on dredging for gold, silver and other precious minerals in Oregon. Very similar to the one that stopped MOST of the dredging in California. The new/old SB 401 would add many more miles of waterways to be classified as SCENIC and essentially end all usage by We the People in those areas listed. The language in these bills is written so loosely that other legislation can be added as time goes on. This type of crap legislation needs to be stopped.....NOW! Write letters, send Emails, make phone calls.....anything we do to tell them to vote NO on the bills will help us stop them from passage into law. Thanks all.............:hello:

Please send many letters change something and send it again

Please send many letters change something and send it again
the committee on natural resources is out of control
if Senator Courtney receives enough responses he may censure any more bills.

one of my letters;

Dear Senator,
There is an attack on small-scale mining and hard working citizens of Oregon
it's Not the issue its made out to be, there are Not throngs of protesters pushing this,
someone is just stirring the pot, who has the most to gain the Lawyers.
these extremist are coming from out of state pushing their agenda to stop small-scale mining.
I know in California the Center for Biological diversity has followed this pattern and won millions
In Oregon we have 3 agencies involved in the permit process it provides checks and balances
the DEQ, DSL and ODFW. Restrictions established by these agencies are sufficient to protect our rivers.
DEQ's 700pm permit protects water quality and gets its authority from the EPA and vests that authority to DSL.
DSL permits uphold regulations and conditions set in OAR 14-089-0650 and has authority over the waterways of Oregon.
ODFW biologists establish time periods to avoid vulnerable life stages for migration, spawning and rearing of
anadromous and other game fish and threatened, endangered, or other sensitive species are considered.
Best management practices are included in both permits to protect water quality and beneficial uses
including riparian vegetation, juvenile fish, and disrupting the food web.
existing regulations in Oregon have stood up to several lawsuits. Do not
turn Oregon into California with lawsuit after lawsuit or one over stretched agency
depending on a judge to tell scientists and biologists how to do their job.
As Oregonians we value the environment and diversity this great state has to offer.
Gold is only found in less than 1/3 of 1% of the rivers in Oregon.
Don't rely on hype think for yourself, go out and see that the small-scale miner has
little effect on the environment and is regulated to just 2 months out of the year,
restrictions established by the State of Oregon do protect fish and wildlife.
Our rivers and wild spaces should be for the enjoyment of all citizens of this great land.

please make this a part of the record of SB115, SB370, SB388, SB401, SB838
and any future bills that unfairly target small-scale mining

-my name and address-

Here is what I wrote, tell me what you think about it.

Dear Senators;

I am a citizen of California but come to Oregon quite often, my Mother lives in Medford.
I would like to speak for my entire immediate family and close friends that we support Small Scale Mining.

We have looked at both sides of the matter, looked at research from both sides and have come to a conclusion that supports our own governments findings along with many independent studies, Dredging helps to promote healthy and clean water ways.

Some of the many ways that dredging helps our waterways and the flora and fauna within.

* Dredging cleans gravel below the surface leaving an ideal spawning habitat behind.
* Dredging creates small to large holes through the gravel to bedrock to allow slower, cooler, deeper places for fish to eat, rest and escape the suns rays. These holes also make for wonderful swimming and fishing holes.
* Dredging helps to restore stagnant flood managed streams back to their original glory as some types of water management prevent the waterways from cleaning themselves out or making natural deeper holes to fish to rest in through natural flooding.
* Dredging helps to remove harmful man made and natural metals from the stream. A sluice box on a dredge captures mercury, lead, buckshot, nails, glass and other man made heavy items very easily. This promotes a healthier stream for the flora and fauna and all to enjoy.
* Dredging provides extra funds to the state through licenses.
* Dredging promotes local commerce through sales and maintenance of mining equipment, gasoline and general supplies for the trip
* Dredging helps to bring valuable raw materials into our domestic market.
* Dredging brings friends and family together

These are just some of the ways dredging helps our waterways, people and local economy.

Please, I ask you to protect our Dredging privileges.

Please make this a part of the record of SB115, SB370, SB388, SB401, SB838
and any future bills that unfairly target small-scale mining.

Sincerely Loren Eric C. Crain

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That's exactly what they need to read Neo! Heartfelt and to the point
with no bashing of either side concerning the bills...just the truth as
you see it.
Sometimes, I believe that these legislators, that make up these bills,
are too far removed from what is best for those that they supposedly
represent and they don't look beyond their paychecks.
Thanks for your efforts.........:hello:

Thanks so much for the words of encouragement, I really hope they listen to us.

My wife also says that she really loves your thread signature! :)

Return letter to me with some good information. Keep pounding them, this isn't just about mining this is about are rights as Americans.
Dear Joel,

Thank you for your email regarding SB 838: Imposes moratorium on certain mining using any form of motorized equipment. Punishes by maximum of one year's imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Sunsets January 2, 2018. Directs Governor's office to study certain issues related to mining using motorized equipment. Declares emergency, effective on passage.

Senator Whitsett will not support SB 838.

To voice your concern regarding this bill, call Sen. Dingfelder, Chair of Environment and Natural Resources Committee and ask her to not move this bill forward. Number: (503) 986-1723.

A Public Hearing is scheduled on April 15[SUP]th[/SUP], 3:00 p.m. Oregon State Capitol 900 Court Street NE, Room 347, Salem, Oregon 97301 Phone: 503-986-1755

To submit a written testimony in opposition, email to: [email protected]

If you plan to submit materials to the committee, please send PDF electronically by noon the prior business day. For printed documents, please provide 10 paper copies to the assistant when you testify. Persons making presentations including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff 24 hours prior to the meeting. ADA accommodation requests may be submitted to [email protected] or by calling 1-800-332-2313 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting time.

Again, we appreciate your thoughts and comments on the matter. I will make sure Senator Whitsett hears of your concerns regarding this bill.

Warm regards,

Sandy Sumner
Legislative Assistant
Senator Doug Whitsett

while i SALUTE those that send letters/call their socalled "representatives" , i scorn those that do nothing about this! if you cant get everyone on the same page, you will find itll be hard todo anything with these people that think they can and act like they can dominate over everyone while listening to these wacoenviromentalists! you reap what you sew!

Many of you already know that placer miners in Oregon have been under attack by a couple of Senators in the Oregon legislature. The Oregon Senate Environment and Natural Resource Committee has set a hearing date for Senate Bill 401 which designates many gold bearing streams in Oregon as Scenic waterways. This would effectively eliminate all placer mining in these waterways, and prohibit mining within a quarter mile on either side of these streams. They have also set a hearing date for Senate Bill 838 which basically puts a six year moratorium on any kind of motorized placer mining within the stream or within 100 yards of the stream. The hearing date for these two bills is April 15th in Salem.

We are using a new data base to reach as many members and former members of the Eastern Oregon Mining Association as possible. Many of you have already been contacted, but it is important that we get as many comments as possible into this committee. They need to know we are seri! ous about not being shut out of developing our privately owned valuable mineral deposits. A short statement saying you oppose these bills is better than nothing at all. A phone call as well as an e-mail is better yet. This isn't about environmental issues; it is about stopping people from enjoying the use of their land.

You can check out the text of these bills at:

Many of you have already contacted the individual legislators on the Senate Environment and Natural resource committee, but we also need to send our e-mails to Beth Reily. She is the committee administrator and she will be assembling comments for the attention of the whole committee. You can still send your comments to the individual members of the committee, but Beth is in charge of making sure all of the committee members see the information that they will use to make their decision.

Beth Reiley, Committee Administrator
[email protected]
Direct Line: 503.986.1755
Fax: 503.986.1814

She said she hasn't received many comments about these bills yet. Let's change that!



Please send many letters change something and send it again
the committee on natural resources is out of control
if Senator Courtney receives enough responses he may censure any more bills.

one of my letters;

Dear Senator,
There is an attack on small-scale mining and hard working citizens of Oregon
it's Not the issue its made out to be, there are Not throngs of protesters pushing this,
someone is just stirring the pot, who has the most to gain the Lawyers.
these extremist are coming from out of state pushing their agenda to stop small-scale mining.
I know in California the Center for Biological diversity has followed this pattern and won millions
In Oregon we have 3 agencies involved in the permit process it provides checks and balances
the DEQ, DSL and ODFW. Restrictions established by these agencies are sufficient to protect our rivers.
DEQ's 700pm permit protects water quality and gets its authority from the EPA and vests that authority to DSL.
DSL permits uphold regulations and conditions set in OAR 14-089-0650 and has authority over the waterways of Oregon.
ODFW biologists establish time periods to avoid vulnerable life stages for migration, spawning and rearing of
anadromous and other game fish and threatened, endangered, or other sensitive species are considered.
Best management practices are included in both permits to protect water quality and beneficial uses
including riparian vegetation, juvenile fish, and disrupting the food web.
existing regulations in Oregon have stood up to several lawsuits. Do not
turn Oregon into California with lawsuit after lawsuit or one over stretched agency
depending on a judge to tell scientists and biologists how to do their job.
As Oregonians we value the environment and diversity this great state has to offer.
Gold is only found in less than 1/3 of 1% of the rivers in Oregon.
Don't rely on hype think for yourself, go out and see that the small-scale miner has
little effect on the environment and is regulated to just 2 months out of the year,
restrictions established by the State of Oregon do protect fish and wildlife.
Our rivers and wild spaces should be for the enjoyment of all citizens of this great land.

please make this a part of the record of SB115, SB370, SB388, SB401, SB838
and any future bills that unfairly target small-scale mining

-my name and address-

this is goldman125 i have this to say i found this out yesterday (12/30/13)
did you know that out of the 850 DEQ 700 pm permits that will released 890 are already spoken for

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