Ordering Problems


Bronze Member
Jun 25, 2012
So, called my US bank and they told me they no longer will order coins for me since I am not a business.

A Huntington in-store branch 5 minutes from my house, also will no longer order coins for me because I failed to pick up an order that I didn't even know was placed. I would tell the manager to order two boxes of pennies for me every week, and he failed to remember to order for 5 straight weeks. So the week I don't call him, he ordered coins for me. What the heck?! I showed up 2 months later and asked if they had any pennies I could buy, and the new manger seemed really irritated with me and said "Yeah, The two boxes you ordered have been sitting in the vault for months." I just tried to explain the fact that I didn't order those two boxes that week and didn't know they were coming in. I asked if I could order 2 for next week and he just said, "How do I know you're going to pick them up?" I told him I could leave him my number in case that does happen. He just wouldn't order for me. So I had 3 branches I would order from in my town, which is $150.00 a week, and now I can only order $50.00 that is IF something doesn't go wrong, when I contact them. This sucks.

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That sucks- sorry-

just keep stacking, just keep stacking, stacking stacking stacking

I just had a branch tell me that I could only order 1 box once a month, better than nothing I guess!

Close your account there, and be sure to call a regional manager to explain why you are taking your business elsewhere.

I checked other branches and they will order for me now instead

Oh werid....Is this on Pennies?..That sucks...Everytime i get coinage, I always have some BS story about how my kids just LOVE collecting coins..lol

Yesterday i went into one of my banks, just to say hi to some of the nice girls there and check and see if they had any halves or ikes laying around. When i walked in the only teller that was still there (hadn't been promoted), was now in a side office (she had been promoted lol). She walks up just in time to see my conversation with one of the new tellers and the new head teller.

Me: Hello, do you happen to have any half dollars, large dollars or older/odd coins that I could purchase today?
Teller: Ummm let me ask (with a strange look on her face, she goes over to the head teller and whispers in her ear. The head teller gets a look on her face like somebody just farted, then walks to the counter)
Head Teller: Uhhh yeah we don't do that here.
Me: I'm sorry, you don't do what here? I was just asking if you had any of those type of coins i could buy.
Head Teller: If we get any coins like that we send them off to our coin service and we do not give them to customers.
Me: Oh sorry, i thought this was my bank, i didn't know you didn't serve customers. Why don't you go ahead and tell me how much is in my account then
Head Teller: ok
Me: Thanks, and while you are in there go ahead and close the account out.
Head Teller: no problem
Recently promoted teller: Uhhhh, don't worry about that i will take care of it in my office. Come with me sir.

Talked to the recently promoted, super nice (and hot) teller. Next thing i know the CFO of the entire bank is coming in to talk with me and asking me to please not close my account. She said she was told by the nice teller that i had a bad experience with their new tellers and she will personally handle that. She said, "It is easier to find tellers than customers, and i assure you it will be handled" She also asked me my business with them and i told her, long story short she will personally be calling the Dallas Fed and their coin ordering provider to find out if she can get me a standing order of Ikes every week.

Anyways, interesting day lol.

long story short she will personally be calling the Dallas Fed and their coin ordering provider to find out if she can get me a standing order of Ikes every week.

Anyways, interesting day lol.

dang thatd be cool a weekly Ike order-

just keep stacking, just keep stacking, stacking stacking stacking

keep us posted I would like to see if that actually happens! lol

I always tell them, "I was in 4H, did I fail to mention that fact?"

Instant change of tone from them, "yes sir, Mr. Dirt!"

Sorry, this probably won't help you much, but good luck.

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Any other banks on your beaten path, Coppercrazy? Hope you get your orders going soon.

Why don't you try to get the bank the WILL order for you, to order more for you? Just pick them up and the bank shouldn't have a problem ordering you as many boxes as you want.

This is a good idea I just don't want to get cut off and I want to make sure I keep my dump banks. There is one bank in the area that out me on a rolling order of 2 boxes a week. We had an agreement that if I decided not to pick up the boxes they would sell them to their many business customers they have. I might ask if they could order me 4 a week, but I don't want to get cut off.

Just be nice about and be like, "Would it be to much to ask to get 4 boxes a week? If you dont have room its alright" or something like that

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