Opinions needed best for $$$


Full Member
Mar 21, 2007
Ellisville, MS
Detector(s) used
Fisher F-75 LE
You could save your money because you have a detector that can shoot coins very well. Maybe just buy a small coil for it.

As KHouse said the machine you are using is a great machine. But I've heard great things about the DFX. I have been using an XLT for about 6 years and I love it. It's great for both coins and relics. Keep us posted on your decision and if you need any info about the XLT, I'm no expert but I can tell you what I've learned using it.

I agree the 6000 is a very good detector and if your happy with it and want a complimentary Whites detector you may want to consider an M6. It has same frequency as MXT so it's more sensitive to the lower conductive targets has a very quick reset target recovery speed which is great at trashy sites, the M6 has 7 tone id vs the single tone of the 6000. The M6 uses the same coils as the DFX if you decided to get one later.

I had a DFX and feel it can not duplicate the performance you'd get from the dual detector combo but may work better on wet sand at salt beaches than either.I also have an XLT and the M6 is better at trashy sites regardless of tone id due to the target separation and the way it responds to small DD coils. Just a thought.HH Bill

My advice is to save your money and buy the best machine possible instead of buying then upgrading. :)

sfinder said:
My advice is to save your money and buy the best machine possible instead of buying then upgrading. :)

That's kinda of the line of thinking I am on. I'm considering the DFX vs the Minelab Explorer SE. What do you think?

I have and realy love my DFX. Once you get away the factury setting it is a super detector. There is a lot of learning to do. My hunting partner has a Explore. I realy am not sure if he gets more depth than me. I don't think it is as prediticable as mine,though. He digs a lot of huge holes and I'm always worried that we will be kicked out because of them. He has had it for 2 years now. Good luck. Mike

keithinvestigations said:
sfinder said:
My advice is to save your money and buy the best machine possible instead of buying then upgrading. :)

That's kinda of the line of thinking I am on. I'm considering the DFX vs the Minelab Explorer SE. What do you think?

I'm trading one of mine as well and I am also curious in a comparison of DFX vs Exp SE if anyone has worked, tested, or used both. (Sandman ?) I will use it for land, and once in a blue moon as backup for my Excal, but will not wade with either, just work wet sand if my Excal happens to be in shop or someone wants to hunt with me at beach.

I have my favorites of course, but you can't go wrong with either the Explorer SE or DFX. Both have their followers and think their machine is the best. There is ample reason to buy the top of the line and grow into it rather than settling on something lessor and always wanting the Big Boy. There is a nice post here where the two are compared, http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,88277.0.html

Some guys always want the Blonde but settle on a Brunette and are sorry forever when they never tried the lil Redhead. ;D

So is the Soveregn GT the Redhead????? ;)

Thinking of trading my BHID for a Sov GT with the 15 " WOT coil to go with my Excal for my beach hunting.

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