Opening Up The Yard


Full Member
Jul 26, 2005
I would like to open my yard up to a local club if they are interested and was wondering what people usually do. Do you say keep anything you find or if you find a huge cache I will split it with you? Any thoughts? The house is pre civil war with a couple of additions throughout the years and is located right on the rail line north of Kennesaw Mountain battlefield so maybe someone could find some interesting relics. My plan was to detect the yard myself but I need to get the house sold and move on so I though I would open it up.

Very nice of you. If it were me, I would contact your local detecting club or one near Atlanta and then offer up a hunt with an agreement drawn up that any cache would be split with the club and yourself.

Have you done any hunting on your property at all? if so, what are some of the items you have found? Too bad I am down here in Savannah, I definately would LOVE to hunt it. I am STILL looking for my first civil war button, ARGH!!!!! Let me rephrase that, I am still looking for my first intact button. I am tired of finding these 12 GA. buttons, LOL ;D

Good luck to you!

It may be easier to let the president of your local club announce it to the members. As a member of a club I would pay to get in on that hunt. If there is enough interest they should be able to come up with some bucks for you and then let them keep what they find. That way you don't end up with stuff you cant get rid of or have to try to sell.

How big is the area that can be hunted? What is your guess as to how many people it would "hold" and how long to "hunt it out."

Are you interested in money from this?

Are you interested in keeping items from this?

I have some ideas and answers to these questions will help.


No I'm not interested in money or keeping anything, I would just be happy if someone found something nice. Of course if somone found a sock full of gold coins it would be nice of them to throw some my way but I'm not looking to get anything back. The lot is one acre in size and as far as I know has never been hunted. I purchased the house from a guy and his parents owned it going back to the 50s. He did mention that he bought a cheap detector at Radio Shack but ended up throwing it way because he never found anything.

I had a Radio Shack kit-built from the early 70's. Anything over 1-3/8" deep is still there. :D

It's your land so it's your call. You can tell them all finds are subject to your first refusal. Or specify any jewelry you want to keep.

You might say you want the chance for first pick from each hunter's finds bag - leaving it up to their honor and your compassion. Or just 50/50.

Relics are tougher. But it's your land so you should be happy at the end of the day and they should be trying to make sure so there might be a next time.

Since you are not interested in anything from this, you might want to think about doing some good with the effort. Do you have a favorite charity? Is there a local foundation or church you would like to help support? Is there someone in town that is raising money you would like to help?

If so, my idea would be along these lines. Not exact but something like it. It would take some time to figure out the details but here goes ONE example.

- make it a weekend event, Friday evening till Sunday Evening or just Saturday and Sunday.
- have a local group (Metal Detector club if possible) sponsor the event
- make it a combination competition hunt and regular hunt
- limit the number of hunters and have sealed bids submitted to hunt
- try and get some sponsorship/donations for awards/prizes
- at the end of the hunt, auction everything off

There are some big holes in the plan it's a "first draft." I know it sounds like a lot of work and it is but if there is a worthwhile cause you like to support it will be worth it. The people who come and bid for a place to detect and compete will be the type that like to give back to the community for a good cause. If they find something they like, they can just buy it at the auction. It would be a fun weekend I think and who knows what might be found and how much money you could raise.

Just an idea from another Georgia boy (Elberton, class of 69)


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