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The place I live is going under a major build boom now. Living here for 30 years now I am predicting another recession coming soon as it seems to always follow these building booms and high housing prices. One major in 1985, 2008 and soon the next. These developers go balls to the walls when housing is selling at record prices and I just herd on the radio a there's a bigger drop in home sales in the Denver metro is more sever then the normal slowdown of the fall season. There are very little if any homes a person can buy now for under $300K around here. The place you see all the dirt equipment has been an open field for all the time I've lived here. Now it will be covered with a bunch close to half million dollar places to call home. The good thing is they do mandate keeping a fair amount of open space land around here and they have been wonderful places easy for me to escape the madness going on all around me. If not for those decisions much of the wildlife around here I'm sure would have surly vanish. Some species have already, such as the Fox, Peasant and once a little lizard I've seen in the early years of living here. Rabbits,Prairie Dogs, Coyote, Skunks Raccoons and many more bird of prey are thriving now and every now and then I'll see deer. Sometimes a Mountain Lion will wander down along the green belts and irrigation ditches and canals from the high country to explore the prospects of game found along the open lands and green-ways in this developed world I live in. Hopefully I'll get lucky and get a picture of one of those when I'm wandering around along the creeks. I'm always looking in the tall trees that grow along the creek and I have spotted tracks of them before. They're around, but they are a mostly nocturnal and very stealthy animal. They can blend in to so many types of terrain. I took a picture of this painted lady butterfly, I guess there are so many flying around they were seen on radar Massive butterfly migration seen on radar - ABC News may not be a good omen
... Well that's enough of my theories for now. Here's some picture to check out.