Omega -F7 -705 or Vaquero for deeper silver

I am only familiar with the Omega and that is a GREAT silver detector. For the price it is awfully close to my E-Trac on silver and that is in iron mineralized ground! It also has very good separation, does great in iron and is LIGHT - big one!

From what I have read about the F70, it isn't as nice on silver coins as the Omega.

I've owned the Omega and the F70. I personally found the Omega to be a better all around detector. It runs really quiet and stable and you can really crank the sensitivity and hear the whisper of deeper coins. The F70 while being a great machine runs a bit noisier and chattery and the majority of the time I had to run the sensitivity a little more than half way.

thanks for the replies and the info

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