Hey y'all! Any idea how old these may be? And Any idea if these are worth anything? I have my doubts but think they are neat as we found a 6 pack in the package still sealed however 3 broke and the packaging didn't survive.
What is on the bottom? That style bottle came out in the 50s but I think yours is later. It just has that 70/80s look to me. But, I'm a child of the 50s so most everything looks modern to me!
It appears to be modern somewhere between the 60's-70's. Don't be discouraged by the date however, I am not a soda bottle collector per se, but the ones that do collect them go nuts with any nostalgic bottles. Good Job!
*Especially because the cap is attached and the contents are still contained in the bottle
Orange Crush, good stuff. Better'n coke, always opted for Orange Crush when there was a choice. Didn't change my ways until old enough to add booze to the mix, then changed to coke.
Thanks everyone also thank you for that link we found these in a cellar in a run down hotel\bar the husbands family has owned for ever. Wonder what else is down there