Full Member
Jan 27, 2005
Westerville, OH
There is an old deserted house.? There is a broken window on the house and a no trespass sign on the house next to the broken window.? I have no interest in going in the house, just searching the property.? I sent a letter to who the city owned the property to ask permission, but it was returned undelivered.? Do you think it would be okay to search the property?

ML ???

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I would go check with the city, as it happens I am eyeing an old victorian style house that's abandoned in my area, it's all boarded up though. What department would you send a letter to? The land registry?

You might try the City Fire Marshall, as he usually is in charge of abatement of property. Another is the City Inspector. Otherwise the County Assessor's office will have the last known owner on record. All they need is the address or legal description.

I wouldn't trespass. Find the property owner and get permission. I don't want people trespassing on my property and I give others the same consideration.

slow sweeper said:
? ? ?I wouldn't trespass. Find the property owner and get permission. I don't want people trespassing on my property and I give others the same consideration.

I agree, I would ask.
I wouldn't want some on my property, with out asking me first.

Regardless of the legality questions, I just think it shows class to always ask for permission to hunt any private property that you don't own. Do the right thing, and everything falls into place.

What's the worse thing they can do to you? Arrest you for trespassing, confiscate your detector as evidence, lock you up and make you post bail, fine you several hundred dollars and/or make you serve jail time. Is it worth it?

I agree - NEVER hunt a place without permission. In addition to the possibilities that jimmileo pointed out which should be enough to deter you, there's also the potential of causing the "violated" landowner to then view all detectorists as "poachers". Then the next well-meaning detectorist that comes along and asks permission to detect the place gets a flat "NO"!

Just my 2-cent piece!


Always get permission, some land owner will shoot first and ask questions later. It's a mean world out there.

In ms everything is posted . I think you might even need written permission to hunt you own property . County sheriff wanted me to prove i was owner of land i was hunting on !!!!! I told him i did not need written premission on my own place . ;D

I hope you told the county sheriff to prove you don't own it since that's what he would have to do in court! That would give him something to think about!

They are going to demolish an old house in my town to build a new grocery store. I have been waiting for awhile. I won't trespass, have been told not to. So I have to wait.

I would get permission first, it is posted property.

You should search it. Don't bother asking once you call the city police department and ask them if there are any ordinances on detecting on city property. There usually are not and if there are the police don't know about them or are too busy busting bad guys!

Good luck and good hunting!


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