Old gun part? Or furniture accent piece?


Silver Member
Apr 18, 2016
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Golden Thread
South Western PA
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Detector(s) used
ACE 250 with DD coil
Equinox 600
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting

Found at a very old site, 1700’s -CW in W PA. Some design coming through, working on chipping rust off.


Any help appreciated!

It is a butt plate to a musket. I'm not any good at identifying which one, but someone here will chime in and know.

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Not my area ... but "Brown Bess" comes up with this style butt plate.

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butt plate for sure....note the attachment dohickey common on trigger guards.

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PArtial butt plate for sure. Not a Bess unless it was reworked and line engraved in later use.

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Buttplate for sure, but not necessarily to a musket. Quite possibly to a fowler.

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Early PA flinlocks came with this style but plate also. Then they slimed them down. Yeager rifles had a but plate this large also. Yeager rifle is what they copied for the ealry PA rifles.

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Looking at it again, is the bottom broke off ?

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Thanks, that explains the size in your hand. It is a but plate, I recon it's brass ?. I had a early PA flintlock custom made years back, I think it's 1740 to 1760's style , it has a wide butt plate made of steel,almost like the one you have. Then by the end of the F & I wars and our revolution they slimed down and started using the more Roman nose butt stock as we know. Mine
has a more straight stock than a full Roman nose. If it's from an original , it's a great find. if it's not ,it's still a great find.

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Thanks, that explains the size in your hand. It is a but plate, I recon it's brass ?. I had a early PA flintlock custom made years back, I think it's 1740 to 1760's style , it has a wide butt plate made of steel,almost like the one you have. Then by the end of the F & I wars and our revolution they slimed down and started using the more Roman nose butt stock as we know. Mine
has a more straight stock than a full Roman nose. If it's from an original , it's a great find. if it's not ,it's still a great find.

It’s brass, but must have been up against some iron for 100+ years in the ground. I’m slowly making progress removing the iron rust that is on a portion of the piece. A simple flower engraved pattern is coming through. I’ll send a cleaned up pic when I am finished later this afternoon. Thx all!

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That looks similar to a plate found at the site of British landing in Mackinaw.


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Thx Guys. I think it is a Brown Bess with a tapered butt-tang. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1603044934.302715.webp
Enough cleaning for today, probably some more scale to come off.

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Very nice find and save of the butt plate. Nice piece of History.

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