Old finds.

NC field hunter

Silver Member
Jul 29, 2012
I was just looking at some old points that my dad found years ago, and figured I would share with you guys.



Look at the one in the center that looks like a gravel.

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The point above the "gravel" one looks like a Hernando perhaps missing the bottom? If it is, I didn't think those would be found so far north. :icon_thumright:

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GaRebel1861 said:
The point above the "gravel" one looks like a Hernando perhaps missing the bottom? If it is, I didn't think those would be found so far north. :icon_thumright:

Hernando, I'll have to look it up. I know that my dad found all of these on our farm. I personally have never found one like it. Thanks!

It does not look Hernando to me. Hernandos are usually thicker at the tip, and they are not so heavily serrated. Just my 2c

Sometimes I feel all the good ones have been found already. I find a lot of things but just not that kind of quality.

rock said:
Sometimes I feel all the good ones have been found already. I find a lot of things but just not that kind of quality.

I know just how you feel. I hear stories from 50-60 years ago, when the point hunters would throw points back into the field/river, just if it had a nick or brake. I heard from old timers when they would look after a rain and come home with buckets of points. Who knows how much is true, but sometimes when I'm hunting I feel like I'm looking at someone else's leftovers lol

I know just how you feel. I hear stories from 50-60 years ago, when the point hunters would throw points back into the field/river, just if it had a nick or brake. I heard from old timers when they would look after a rain and come home with buckets of points. Who knows how much is true, but sometimes when I'm hunting I feel like I'm looking at someone else's leftovers lol
Thanks for making me laugh.

That was what I wanted to come up in this thread. These points were found over 30 years ago. All found in one corner of one field. I know the spot, but pines grow there now. I need a good knowledgable digging partner. Less fields are farmed now. Pines are in all of the best spots here. I too have heard the old timers talk about "sword fighting" with arrowheads until they broke. Then, just pick up another. I think they are exaggerating to a degree. They were in plowed fields from sun up to sun down. Some days, I drive that long looking for a plowed field. Pops says that the farmers today don't plow the earth as deep either. He was a farm kid, so I take his word. He said that he has never seen sword sized points, that was the generation before his. Personally, I believe the old timers. I also think those blades are still around. Just got to dig, and dig carefully. Creeks are seldom looked here either. The creek patina makes it hard to find artifacts. For that reason, my dad and his peers stayed in fields. It made for easy, guaranteed finds. They never cared what kind of point they found, as long as they found one. As soon as the yellow jackets , snakes and Sasquatch go in for winter, I'm changing my hunting habits up. We'll see!

That was what I wanted to come up in this thread. These points were found over 30 years ago. All found in one corner of one field. I know the spot, but pines grow there now. I need a good knowledgable digging partner. Less fields are farmed now. Pines are in all of the best spots here. I too have heard the old timers talk about "sword fighting" with arrowheads until they broke. Then, just pick up another. I think they are exaggerating to a degree. They were in plowed fields from sun up to sun down. Some days, I drive that long looking for a plowed field. Pops says that the farmers today don't plow the earth as deep either. He was a farm kid, so I take his word. He said that he has never seen sword sized points, that was the generation before his. Personally, I believe the old timers. I also think those blades are still around. Just got to dig, and dig carefully. Creeks are seldom looked here either. The creek patina makes it hard to find artifacts. For that reason, my dad and his peers stayed in fields. It made for easy, guaranteed finds. They never cared what kind of point they found, as long as they found one. As soon as the yellow jackets , snakes and Sasquatch go in for winter, I'm changing my hunting habits up. We'll see!
Sasquatch..lol you are funny.

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