old doc. burgress house in louisa ky

I know of some men from Boonscamp have hunted it in the past. And they have been hunting it here pretty heavy on and off about 6 months. I heard they was doing good.

EastKyMiner said:
I know of some men from Boonscamp have hunted it in the past. And they have been hunting it here pretty heavy on and off about 6 months. I heard they was doing good.
i talked to a guy yesterday from ashland and he hunted it for four hours and did not find anything

I hunted it years ago with a cheap detector. Had a bunch of fun. Even if you do not detect it you need to check out the old slave graveyard. Good luck!

snake35 said:
I hunted it years ago with a cheap detector. Had a bunch of fun. Even if you do not detect it you need to check out the old slave graveyard. Good luck!
Is the graveyard the one you are talking about the one in the middle of the field or the one across the road. I heard there was another one. Also did u do any good when hunted it.

snake35 said:
The grave yard is in the field. I did not find anthing cool, but it was still fun!
Do you know where any or have heard about the Civil War camp site near Peach Orchard not far from Louisa. Its supposed to be off 23 going on 645.

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