oil painting may be over painted


Jr. Member
Feb 26, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
007.JPG001.JPGI have this oil painting that may be over painted, here why artist is Wictor Tiberg born 1900 and die 1939, but the canvas stretcher is from 1873 and the painting you can see over paint spots and when you put it to the light you can see other painting, it's not his sketches. There a stamp on the stretcher Klint Bernhardt & Co. from Stockholm . So I know the canvas stretcher is old, also the frame dose not fix the canvas right. W. Tiberg was from the Salvation army in Stockholm also, he can to U.S.A. in 1925 and went back a few years later. So the artwork is from Stockholm. Salvation army would use old painting to paint over, so I thing this one is paint over. here are some pictures. let me know what you think. Thank you.001.JPG004.JPG005.JPG009.JPG018.JPG003.JPG

So I think you are trying to say that there might be a more valuable painting underneath the one you can see, like an undiscovered Edvard Munch. You might want to contact a University near you that has an art conservation department. They might be able to you give you a better idea of what is underneath and might want to use it for a student project.

As an aside, forgers would look for older canvases to fit the time period of those they wanted to copy.

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I think that it was common practice to reuse old canvases, because of the cost & time of preparation. If you didn't like a painting, paint over it.

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