Often used football field

Harley digs it

Jr. Member
Jun 27, 2005
New Brunswick, Canada
So Sunday is a day of rest eh, not for me lol. First off I have to fix me fence because my dog is an escape artist that loves to go visit my neighbours dogs and kids, and hes figured out he can worm his way out under the wire fencing. A few tent pegs later and he's back to life in the yard having to just watch from a distance( It's a big yard 50' by 50' so I don't feel too bad lol).

The wife gets back from her usual trip to the flea market and has a new Game Cube game so she's set for the night, plus I got her that CBS Big Brother internet subscription so she can watch Big Brother 6 24 7 if she wants(PS if the wife likes the show its huge brownie points for you and more spare time as well if you get it for her hehe).

So now its about 7:30pm and I finally free to go woot. I head down to the football field that has about 4-5 games per week there.
I get a hard and fast gold reading on my ace 250 at 6" woot I double check from all angles and lower the sens till I cant pick it up any more and it still says gold so I start digging. Well much to my dispare I find a top of a pudding container, after double checking my hole with my detector that was it nothing good. So I sent the gabage on the bench and refill my hole. I went to pick up the garbage and found a Loonie( 1 dollar Canadian coin) right beside the pudding top on the bench lol. All in all was a good trip out and I had fun I found $2.40.

On a side note when I go out detecting now I seem to always get an audience of kids that follow me around till they get bored. Anyone else have that happen alot? Also If I'm at a playground there is always a bunch of little guys like 6 or 7 years old that love to help (er help), they try to help me dig but I have to tell them to keep their hands out of the hole if I'm using my digger because it might cut them. They get so excited and their parents laugh. I usually let them have what ever I find and they think its great to get a quarter or a dime.

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Kids are fun but can turn into a pain real fast, and a liability! With the lawsuits the way they are today, I try to steer clear of the little ones as much as possible just in case they get cut or hurt while under "my watch". And what's with the parents? I was always told NOT to talk to strangers... I personally don't let my kids bother people at the park, I figure they went to the park for some reason and it probably wasn't to have a 45 minute conversation with someone else's kid.


I agree with the parent thing but I'm from the East coast of Canada and in general for good or for bad, parents, kids, and everyone are pretty friendly. This could be taken advantage of by some sicko, but when I was a little boy around 7 yrs old or so this would of been right up my ally. So I cant say no to the kids when they want to tag along, sure it slows me down but its a real treasure hunt for the kids. I never go far when kids are following me and if I do start to wander away from the more in view areas I tell them they have to go get there mother or father or who ever is taking care of them. Most of the time if I want to get rid of the kids I'll just turn off my machine and take it real slow pretending to detect and they get bored.

As far as taking responsibility for the kids, I don't if they're there alone I look out for their safety while I'm digging and tell them they cant just grab at every shinny thing they see while I'm digging. If they don't listen to my I leave. Most of the time the kids listen but sometimes they get too excited.

I do most of my hunting around the Base I'm stationed at in the housing area for the base. If any of you out there know "base brats" this is the kind of stuff they need so I consider it a community service of sort.

I'm as nice as can be to the kids if they start asking questions or want to help, but it steams me sometimes on the inside if they get a little too pushy, where are the parents? When they do get pushy, i don't think it's my responsibility to tell them what to do. It's a tough call.

The worst little kid story:

I set me detector down to check a target and I feel a tugging on my headphones. I spin around and there is a girl, about 7 or 8 I would guess, trying to walk away with my detector! I stopped her and asked what she was doing and she innocently said she wanted to try to find something in the sand box. I guess I must really get into my work not to notice the detector getting hauled away!! We went to the sandbox, but I "drove" the detector even though she wanted to "drive". Never did see a parent anywhere in sight.


I don't mind kids hanging around, but the parents don't like where i hang them.
Watch out for the little ones on bicycles. A month ago was on my knees, with detector layed left to right in front of me, probing for a target, when a bicycle tire with bicycle and kid attached runs into the side of me. I look up to see a kid not nearly big enough for the bike he's on, falling to his left' right where my coil and shaft are. I just barely got it out of the way before he landed. After picking him up.he kept trying to get his front tire to run over the coil, when i would stop to dig. His folks not a hundred feet away, not doing anything. I finally, with father watching, picked the boy and bicycle up and set him down in the other direction and gave a forceful shove to start him on his way. Family got up and left without saying a word. I don't understand the mentality it takes, to sit there and watch your child doing wrong, and not say or do anything about it.

I don't get it either! And then you hear stories of little kids being taken from the park and the parents say they looked away for 2 seconds, not saying that doesn't happen, but it makes you wonder if the parents were no where around for hours...

Like the girl that picked up my detector, no parents could be seen anywhere.

Maybe I'm over protective, but my kids are never out of my site even if they want to play in the back yard, i go with them.


Ouch haven't had any bad stories like those. I just have either excited tikes or somewhat interested 10-13 yr old boys following me never thought they might try to run off with or run over my detector.

As far as kids in parks, I always hunt around the play area until the little ones come to use the equipment. My feeling is that first of all, that equipment is there for them and I can always hit it another time. I'm also aware of me, a grown adult around play equipment with kids that I don't know. Call me phobic, but when kids appear, I disappear and walk out to the grassy areas away from the play area. This works out well since the two silver rings and indian head penny that I've found have been when I ventured away because of the little ones. I have also told parents that come with the young-uns that I will hunt in play areas until their child wants to be on that equipment near me, then I will move to another area. They seem to appreciate my concern and it's always good to make contact with them to help them feel at ease. Sounds like I'm too careful, but I would rather be overly careful and be safe, than be sorry later if something would happen..I guess that thinking comes after 30 years in teaching and coaching where you're constantly watching your steps......Keep Diggin'!!.....Goadster

That's a good idea to say something to the parents, maybe I'll try that. Most of the time I've had the kids approach me is when I am well away from the play equipment since I try to make myself scarce when the kids come around, like you were saying. Maybe the kids parents are still sitting up by the play equipment and don't realize the kids are out in a field with a possible psycho, who knows. Either that or I have an innocent face...


goadster said:
As far as kids in parks, I always hunt around the play area until the little ones come to use the equipment. My feeling is that first of all, that equipment is there for them and I can always hit it another time. I'm also aware of me, a grown adult around play equipment with kids that I don't know. Call me phobic, but when kids appear, I disappear and walk out to the grassy areas away from the play area. This works out well since the two silver rings and indian head penny that I've found have been when I ventured away because of the little ones. I have also told parents that come with the young-uns that I will hunt in play areas until their child wants to be on that equipment near me, then I will move to another area. They seem to appreciate my concern and it's always good to make contact with them to help them feel at ease. Sounds like I'm too careful, but I would rather be overly careful and be safe, than be sorry later if something would happen..I guess that thinking comes after 30 years in teaching and coaching where you're constantly watching your steps......Keep Diggin'!!.....Goadster

I agree with the above, If the parents are near and I am not next to any equipment or playing kids and they want to watch I let them. If the kids are playing and playing near me... I leave because I know kids run into things and get hurt when playing. I ALWAYS TELL THEM DON'T HELP ME DIG BECAUSE OF GLASS, NAILS, IV NEEDLES, MY DIGGER, UNDERGROUND BEES, FIRE ANTS, and other sharp objects often found. This usually scares them and keeps them from digging.


You got the loonie and I got the toonie a couple of weeks ago. I find that kids will come over to me and just stare, you know they want to ask you a question but they just don't dare. I usually just say hello they ask what I'm doing and I explain then after a few minutes they go away. This last week was the first time I had a kid ask me if he could use my explorer 2, I just told him no that it was too expensive he got huffy and left. Most kids are just currious like use adults (nosey) :D

Hehe I hear what all of you are saying, most of the times I do the exact same thing. I drive around till I find a place that's empty if I can. Still kids will come out of the wood works in my area for some reason-->(living on an army base). So I try to be nice and stay away from the equipment in use, after all it's there for them not me. Also, far too often the parents aren't around but when they are they usually come over with their kid to check things out. I tell them about the stuff I find, mostly emphasizing that I some times find nails or other sharp objects and clean up broken bottles when I find them. This usually puts the parents at ease with me being there.

At any rate I try to respect the kids and hope that they can respect me. Though when things get ify I leave.

Sounds like cool stuff,canyou post pics? HH

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