Off-Grid Security For Vacation Home


Silver Member
Mar 16, 2016
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Looking for ideas on some security measures that could be employed for an off grid vacation home. We are having problems with ZOMBIES and are not around all the time to deal with it.

I'm thinking some solar powered yard lights would be a good first step.

Another idea is a solar powered light than can be placed inside the house, with a motion sensor mounted outside. So someone walks up to the front door and a light comes in inside the house..then stays on for an hour.

Maybe a low powered speaker playing people talking that comes on with a timer.

Anybody have the same problem and if so how did you solve it?

A neighbor monitors cameras.

There are wildlife cameras that can be linked to your phone.

A neighbor is one good defense.

A neighbor nearby had thieves find an object to climb up on and unscrew the security light...
And of course lights depend on a power source.

I use these signs and a gate . A neighbor at the next home up the road has the same as me and also has a care taker . who is just another neighbor that stops in once a day to put tracks on the driveway stone , cut the grass as needed , make sure the heat or A/C is working , look for signs of activity and to make the place look lived in.he told me too please relic hunt and deer hunt download.pnghis farm in hopes of deterring the meth heads from breaking in . so far it's worked for him for 20 years .

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I have a commercially made tear gas system with trip wires. Don't remember where I got it, try google. Bass turds broke in once, didn't get anything but a good dose of gas. You just gotta remember they are there or you will gas yourself as I once did. Just looked it up, here's a link:

I got the cheap manual ones so it would still work in a power outage. Some are battery operated I think. I have them in closets and entrance way. These along with a game camera to catch photos of the perps should give you peace of mind. Be great to get pics of them gasping and running away!!

Oh yeah, if your place is remote bears will run out when gassed too.

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I like the idea of having the low powered speaker hooked up to the motion detector that plays a dog barking.

Hi ,Sell up and migrate to a safer country . :hello2:

Unfortunately, they are resourceful. I had a retired State Trooper for a neighbor that had two German Shephards and thought his home was secure. They tricked the dogs into an upstairs room and locked the door. Took the valuables including his 10 speed. The next day my ex came upon a car stopped at the stop sign with the driver's side door open but no one around. She reported it to the police and was told they had probably stashed the goods in the woods so if they were stopped on the day of the burglary, they wouldn't have it on them. They were back collecting the pillowcase and stuff.

Lots of security signs on the road leading to the property can work as a psychological deterrent. Very visible signage and even cameras (working or not) may make them nervous enough to keep moving on. Hidden cameras they can't find and destroy and pepper spray "bombs" seem like a great idea for the persistent (professional?) ones.

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Hi ,Sell up and migrate to a safer country . :hello2:
I LOVE my country :usflag: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:
No thanks, but I’m happy that you love your country as well.

Interestingly enough, some “safer countries” have consistently ranked higher than the US in home burglaries consistently (like 65% to 91% higher). So I think every place has their problems with leaving personal items unattended for long periods of time.

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I’ve done some googling and most solutions assume...power...cell service...WiFi...etc.
or silly things like snares and traps.

We have some trail cameras up.

There are many options on Amazon that require some experimenting and tinkering.

I’d love to find a commercial product that features cabled solar panel and motion detector...then a couple lights and a speaker that will hook to it. Something that will let you set a custom length of time the lights or speaker stays on.
I’m really looking for some commercial products

Was just curious if someone has used anything they could recommend.

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Ring Security system?

Thanks for that tip. Unfortunately we don’t have WiFi, internet access, or a 110 volt power source.

I may still call them to see if they can suggest a solution.

Booby traps are out. I think they can involve a felony charge..I know you were joking...but...actually there is a police investigation going on right now surrounding a wrestler posting something on Facebook about making a guy disappear...

Back to security...I just realized that many of the devices that I assumed were 110volt likely have a converter that is switching the power to DC. This may open some doors for me since I do have 12 volt power.

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Thanks for posting this question; I'm interested in the topic, though I don't have a vacation home (yet).
I'm generally curious: if you remove your valuables from the cabin/camp/home are break-ins still common for places that are remote? If the criminals don't see anything of value outside the building or through the windows, do they still break-in anyway?
I guess I'm wondering: if you have a remote vacation home should you just assume that sooner or later someone will break in? (kind of a cost / risk of having such a home?)

If you get a sign , one that says the recording is online , is best

Yes, I think we will put up two signs that indicate cameras with online recording if I can find them. I'm kind of bouncing back and forth between store bought signs and "crazy red neck" style signs. I think the crazy redneck sign with a misspelled word might be more effective.

We have not had any break-ins yet. There have been some recent developments that involve characters that are obviously involved in hard drugs and possibly have mental issues. It's hard to predict how these people think. We try not to leave high value items laying around. I've been told some neighbors have had power tools stolen and that there was a home invasion. Just trying to be proactive.

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Yes, I think we will put up two signs that indicate cameras with online recording if I can find them. I'm kind of bouncing back and forth between store bought signs and "crazy red neck" style signs. I think the crazy redneck sign with a misspelled word might be more effective.

We have not had any break-ins yet. There have been some recent developments that involve characters that are obviously involved in hard drugs and possibly have mental issues. It's hard to predict how these people think. We try not to leave high value items laying around. I've been told some neighbors have had power tools stolen and that there was a home invasion. Just trying to be proactive.
Biggest problem we have around here is the kids on alcohol and stealing to feed that booze addiction. It’s expensive.

Biggest problem we have around here is the kids on alcohol and stealing to feed that booze addiction. It’s expensive.

Your kidding me?! Never heard of kids stealing to buy beer.
Likely it's more than that. In my opinion, kids that are drunk and steal from people are very likely to also be doing other illegal things.

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