Jr. Member
Good day. I recently purchased a DFX. The detector is pretty sweet, and very sensitive. Today I found some strange melted metal silver in color. It's melted form suggests it was involved in some sort of hot explosion. It is giving me a VDI of between 72 and 82, with more consistant readings around 80 and 81. It was found washed up on a lake Erie beach, close to the surf (can't give away all of the secrets just yet). It hits the machine hard with a dime and quarter symbol everytime. Could it be silver? or do other metals like Pewter indicate similar to silver? Another good indicator that throughs me off, is the fact that it has no corrosion. I haven't tried to clean or polish it, other than clean water rinse. Any ideas? The VDI charts I have researched don't help much, as they relate only to silver and coin.