Ocean View East 13 May 2013, still working PP mode.


Bronze Member
Jul 8, 2012
🥇 Banner finds
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Detector(s) used
Minelab Equinox 800, Minelab CTX 3030 (17", 11", 6" coils), Minelab Excalibur 800, Minelab Excalibur 1000 (w/OBN's Remote Pinpoint mod and CTX headphone connector)
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hit the area we hunted with Max, OBN and Stu this past week. The 2 holes we were pulling cool stuff out of have closed up and there were not may targets in the water today. Most of the stuff came from the low spots between the high and low tide lines in the damp along the beach. I was in the water from ankle to chest deep and was getting almost NOTHING there (and this is over about 10 blocks, up and back).Still working PP mode using OBN's remote pinpoint mod and kept seeing the same things i did the day before while using it. You can read it here:


Pretty much encountered the same things on this hunt as from the previous day and was getting more than I would have if just hunting in disc. Now, having said that, there are areas where hunting in PP will just drive you crazy as there is so much iron/trash in places you wouldn't make it 20 feet if you had to listen to them all. In those areas I slow down a bit and may switch to disc just to get through it then go back to PP again. Here are the finds:


Found ANOTHER pet ID tag, 3rd in the last week and a half. Will also contact this owner and try to return it. Small, trashed, ladies Brio watch. No idea what the metal plate with the hole in it could be. It is not flat, slightly concave in the middle. Any ideas? Also, the little copper piece looks like it split from blowing out from the inside. Is it come sort of old blasting or percussion cap for a firearm or artillery shell? Looks like it has some circular indentation marks on the end where it may have been struck by something like a firing pin. Any thought on that one either? Thanks for looking!

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Also, the little copper piece looks like it split from blowing out from the inside. Is it come sort of old blasting or percussion cap for a firearm or artillery shell? Looks like it has some circular indentation marks on the end where it may have been struck by something like a firing pin. Any thought on that one either?

It is tough to tell without any scale to determine size, but it looks like a copper rifle bullet jacket that had the lead core separate from on impact. The jacket will peal back in those petals, and if you look close you can see the lines that the barrel's rifling swaged into the sides. If not a "musket cap" size percussion cap could be it.

Also, the little copper piece looks like it split from blowing out from the inside. Is it come sort of old blasting or percussion cap for a firearm or artillery shell? Looks like it has some circular indentation marks on the end where it may have been struck by something like a firing pin. Any thought on that one either?

It is tough to tell without any scale to determine size, but it looks like a copper rifle bullet jacket that had the lead core separate from on impact. The jacket will peal back in those petals, and if you look close you can see the lines that the barrel's rifling swaged into the sides. If not a "musket cap" size percussion cap could be it.

Yeah, I saw the rifling marks on the sides as well and wasn't sure if that was from it actually traveling down a barrel or from the force of being chambered into something then ejected. Unusual to see a copper jacketed bullet (if that's what it is) that has the jacketing covering the back of the projectile as well. Haven't ever seen that before (at least in modern firearms I've used or been around the last 30 years or so) The indentations on the back still make me wonder as well. It looks like it was struck by something. It is small...about 1/2 the diameter of a penny (you can see it in the first picture in the center). Could be a percussion cap. My other thought, and need to look into this, was that it might be the end of a blasting cap. If they were ever made of copper (no idea). The ones I've used were all aluminum but I have seen caps that went low order (didn't detonate fully) and found pieces that looked like the one here.....but they were even smaller than this thing is. Thanks for looking and coming up with some ideas! Any other thoughts?

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