Obscenity in Alberta, Canada Today(Nov 9, 2020)

looks like fun . I plowed snow as a state employee for many years , the first hour of the first storm was always fun but then it became drudgery .
Here in central Va we get a storm like about every 7 years.

yesterday in Utah


I've seen InterstaTE 81 LOOK like the road up in Alberta
Many times in the 70's & 80's

81 is an Up hill Battle Here


It would become a Parking Lot & People would Walk to Tremont & Joliett off the Exits
and Stay at The Fire Houses.

Those who Couldn't walk were Rescued By Snow Mobiles

Lots Of Major Storms here back Then

Somewhere in the 80's PENDOT Got their $#!+ together and started Shutting roads down they couldn't keep up With.

Now we are Overdue for a storm like that.

Our Last Major Storm was maybe 15 or More Years ago.
They found People in their cars Completely Under SnoWBANKS as they cleared the sides of the Roads

Makeshift Igloos :laughing7:

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I hope they keep it all up there!

Yep..... So is that pesky 209!

Yea 209 Used to get ignored For years as They Fought the Weather on the Interstate.
Eventually Porter Township Started plowing their part as far east as My place in Joliett.
The Township line was the West Side of My Driveway. Which Everyone Plowed in.
From there Frailey TWP took over, east to 81 But never in My Life has Frailey TWP Plowed their bit of Rt 209.
The State Trucks do Most of 209 in the West end of the County, When they get to it.
usually when they get a breather on 81

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It's right purty, but I reckon I'll just stay down here in Georgia a bit longer.

Believe it or Not there were Times I Actually Enjoyed Shoveling my Place Out Including my Driveway
All with a snow Shovel. By the Time I'd get Done, I'll Almost wish I wasn't.
I'd even start Shoveling My Yard :laughing9:
Of course All that White on A Sunny Day When you don't Think of Sun Glasses
Gave a Whole New Meaning for being Snow Blind When I'd walk in the House after :laughing7:

there are of course 2 Types of snow.
Very Cold Snow is Dry And Light.
Normal Winter Snow is Wet & Heavy and a pain.

But Great Exercise I Don't know if I could Survive any More

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We had ten plus inches of snow in mid October, and all time record amount of snow for that month. But it all melted in a couple days. We can handle snow here but when you get what Canada got, it stops everything for at least a day.

other then a few flakes mixed in with a fine drizzle nothing here yet.

hopefully this don't jinx things.

I may go buy a Snow Shovel soon Though. Jinx things for the Better.
hopefully it will end up a White Elephant.

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It takes an 8 HP snowblower, a backup 5 HP snow blower, three shovels, one ice chopper and twenty pounds of salt to get me through our winters.

Hi Snowed in with Covid and the Flu . Yikes TP

''Oh Well! '' So much for a little snow, it will eventually melt. You just have to use common sense.

Hi ,The Canadians are smoking snow cones and those who flow South for the winter hit a wall .:laughing9:

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