Obama’s Military Purge Removes 197 Officers (AND COUNTING) AS DHS TAKES OVER STREETS

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Obama’s Military Purge Removes 197 Officers (AND COUNTING) AS DHS TAKES OVER STREETS

truther October 26, 2013

After posting yesterday’s blog regarding two of the latest military leaders that Obama has purged, my friend Nena S. sent me the story beneath the videos. It really helps to paint the bigger picture.

Videos | Pakalert Press

At the same time that Obama is purging the military, he has been busy keeping one of his campaign pledges, which is to create a “civilian national security force, just as strong, just as well funded as the U.S. military”. There can be little doubt that DHS fits that bill. This is the same DHS that has solicited for 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point bullets they claim are for “training”. The question is, why train with hollow point bullets that are not only much more expensive but designed to do maximum damage, and illegal for warfare?
Perhaps Obama is one step ahead of his ‘friend’, the now deposed Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian President Morsi who was removed from power by the Egyptian military aft the people there rose up en masse. My friends, we are witnessing what Rush LImbaugh recently called a “peaceful coup”. How long it will remain peaceful seems to be the question:

Earlier Forbes wrote: “…at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America.
Add to this perplexing outré purchase of ammo, DHS now is showing off its acquisition of heavily armored personnel carriers, repatriated from the Iraqi and Afghani theaters of operation. As observed by “paramilblogger” Ken Jorgustin last September:

[T]he Department of Homeland Security is apparently taking delivery (apparently through the Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico VA, via the manufacturer – Navistar Defense LLC) of an undetermined number of the recently retrofitted 2,717 ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ MaxxPro MRAP vehicles for service on the streets of the United States.”

Latest Homeland Security Armored Vehicle

These MRAP’s ARE BEING SEEN ON U.S. STREETS all across America by verified observers with photos, videos, and descriptions.”

Regardless of the exact number of MRAP’s being delivered to DHS (and evidently some to POLICE via DHS, as has been observed), why would they need such over-the-top vehicles on U.S. streets to withstand IEDs, mine blasts, and 50 caliber hits to bullet-proof glass? In a war zone… yes, definitely. Let’s protect our men and women. On the streets of America… ?”

“They all have gun ports… Gun Ports? In the theater of war, yes. On the streets of America…?

Seriously, why would DHS need such a vehicle on our streets?” “


When we brought you the 9 Military Commanders it was apparent that President Obama was purging the military top brass.
When two days later two more were fired, many reporters started trying to get to the bottom of what President Obama was doing with what he called “my military”. Now what was a noticeable purge of commanders is now topped 197 since 2009!
While the top listed reason is sex, there seems to be several questionable reasons why these guys are being fired. From dereliction of duty to not saluting properly. The list continues to grow.
Never forget what he let out in a Freudian slip. He said it three times in September that we can find:

From Breitbart.com Facebook Page comes a long and detailed list with links!

There have been rather a lot, to say the least, of firings, demotions, relievings and disciplinings of hundreds of officers in our military under this present regime. The grounds range from “leaving blast doors on nukes open” to “loss of confidence in command ability” to “mishandling of funds” to “inappropriate relationships” to “gambling with counterfeit chips” to “inappropriate behavior” to “low morale in troops commanded” to you-name-it-you-got-it…and, now you’re gonna’ get it!
Listed below are some of the various commanders, vice-commanders, etc. who have been relieved, fired, forced into early retirement and otherwise let go of…or, gotten rid of…depending on how one chooses to interpret all this. Grand Total thus far: 197 (Mostly Colonel and above. 127 AF majors included…they all occurred at one time, apparently). Also, provided are 11 links to various articles about said officers and the various ends of their military careers.
This does not include any of the stories about the pressure or attacks, if you will, made on those of all ranks, high and low, done by this regime or their “agents” and based on religious grounds or their stances on traditional marriage or statements or actions that have been deemed offensive to Islam…beliefs held by many who have been persecuted, if not out-right prosecuted, for said religious and/or traditional belief stances.
This if offered not as proof of any attempt to purge our military of those deemed un-fit by this present regime. It is simply offered as a PARTIAL listing of what has happened so far under the present “C-i-C.” Please note “PARTIAL.” This writer does not claim this list is complete.
It remains to be seen if more “disciplinary actions” are taken or are warranted. I simply find myself asking, as the picture below asks:
What Is Happening to Our Military?! ~cj
Grand Total: 197 Officers
Year: 2013 (9, so far).
1. Marine Col. Daren Margolin – Quantico – Oct. 18, 2013. Was in charge of Quantico’s Security Battalion.
2. Marine Major General C.M.M. Gurganus – Oct. 12, 2013. Commander Regional Command Southwest and I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) in Afghanistan.
3. AF Major Gen. Michael Carey – Oct. 8, 2013. 2-star commander of 20th Air Force. 3 wings of ICBMs. 450 nukes. Covered 3 AF bases across nation.
4. Navy Vice-Admiral Tim Guardina – Oct. 9, 2013. 3-star vice-commander all US nuclear forces (land/air/sea). Relieved of command. Demoted in rank to 2-stars.
5. Marine Major General Gregg A. Sturdevant – September 2013. Director of strategic planning and policy for U.S. Pacific Command and commander of the Aviation Wing At Camp Bastion, Afghanistan.
6. Marine Col. James Christmas – July 18, 2013. Commanded 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit. Also, commanded the new Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response Unit.
7. Army Brigadier General Bryan Roberts – May 2013. Commander, Ft. Jackson, SC.
8. Marine Gen. James Mattis – May 2013. Chief of CentCom.
9. Army Major General Ralph Baker – April 2013. Commander of Joint Task Force Horn of Africa at Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, Africa
Year: 2012 (Overall total – 4 +24 = 28 Final total).
1. Marine General John R. Allen – Nov. 13, 2012. Commander, ISAF – International Security Assistance Force.
2. Army General David Petraeus – Nov. 9, 2012. Commander, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A). Director of CIA from September 2011 to November 2012.
3. Navy Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette – Oct. 27, 2102. Commander, USS John C. Stennis strike group. Relieved within a day or so of Benghazi.
4. Army General Carter F. Ham – Oct. 18, 2012. Commander, AFRICOM. Relieved during Benghazi from direct command of AFRICOM.
Naval Officers (all in 2012): Total – 24
1. Cmdr. Derick Armstrong, Commander, guided missile destroyer USS The Sullivans.
2. Cmdr. Martin Arriola, Commander, USS Porter.
3. Capt. Antonio Cardoso, Commander, of Training Support Center San Diego.
4. Capt. James CoBell, Commander, Oceana Naval Air Station’s Fleet Readiness Center Mid-Atlantic.
5. Cmdr. Joseph E. Darlak, Commander, USS Vandegrift.
6. Cmdr. Franklin Fernandez, Commander, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 24.
7. Cmdr. Ray Hartman, Commander, amphibious dock-landing ship Fort McHenry.
8. Cmdr. Jon Haydel, Commander, USS San Diego.
9. Cmdr. Diego Hernandez, Commander, ballistic-missile submarine USS Wyoming.
10. Cmdr. Lee Hoey, Commander, Navy Drug Screening Laboratory, San Diego.
11. Cmdr. Dennis Klein, Commander, submarine USS Columbia.
12. Capt. Marcia “Kim” Lyons, Commander, Naval Health Clinic New England.
13. Capt. Chuck Litchfield, Commander, USS Essex.
14. Capt. Robert Marin, Commander, USS Cowpens.
15. Capt. Sean McDonell, Commander, Seabee reserve unit Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 14.
16. Cmdr. Corrine Parker, Commander, Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 1.
17. Capt. Lisa Raimondo, Commander, Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River, Md.
18. Capt. Jeffrey Riedel, Program manager, Littoral Combat Ship program.
19. Cmdr. Sara Santoski, Commander, Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 15.
20. Cmdr. Sheryl Tannahill, Commander, Navy Operational Support Center Nashville.
21. Cmdr. Michael Ward, Commander, USS Pittsburgh.
22. Capt. Michael Wiegand, Commander, Southwest Regional Maintenance Center.
23. Capt. Ted Williams, Commander, Mount Whitney.
24. Cmdr. Jeffrey Wissel, Commander, of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron 1.
Year: 2011 Total – 1 + 157 = 158 overall
Army Major Gen. Peter Fuller – May 2011. A top U.S. commander in Afghanistan.
157 Air Force majors. Military advocates decry ‘illegal’ early terminations of 157 Air Force majors
Year: 2010 Total – 1 ( total)
1. Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal – June 2010. Overall commander Afghanistan. Replaced by Gen. Petraeus.
1. Year: 2009 Total – 1 (total)
Army Gen. David D. McKiernan – 2009. First 4-star relieved since Truman relieved MacArthur. Commanded in Afghanistan.~Breitbart Facebook Picture
Military advocates decry ?illegal? early terminations of 157 Air Force majors | The Daily Caller
Obama relieves McChrystal of command - US news - Military | NBC News
Peter Fuller removed from duty as a top Afghanistan commander for remarks to POLITICO - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com
Commander of 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit relieved of command | Marine Corps Times | marinecorpstimes.com
Colonel in charge of Quantico's Security Battalion relieved | Marine Corps Times | marinecorpstimes.com
3-star Navy admiral fired as deputy chief of nuclear command, demoted to 2-star rank | Fox News
Air Force general in charge of nuclear missiles fired over 'conduct' | Fox News
(Navy commanders relieved of duty in 2012 - Navy - Stripes
USS The Sullivans' Armstrong is 10th commanding officer fired this year - News - Stripes
Colonel in charge of Quantico's Security Battalion relieved | Marine Corps Times | marinecorpstimes.com
More missteps: Air Force officials in charge of nukes left open blast door, sources say | Fox News

All the links and sources are verifiable. This is scary folks, what is going on?

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This is explanations given why some were fired and removed from high ranking positions this year.

This strange chain of firings from the Military is so bizarre and so unheard of that even Dianne Sawyer of ABC news reached out to cover it when the 9th, yes 9th, Military Commanding Officer was relieved of duty in less than a year. This doesn’t include the long list last year, this is just the nine individuals this year alone.

General Carter Hamm,

United States Army-Served as head of the United States African Command. Was in charge of the US African command during the fateful night of September 11, 2012 when the lives of four American citizens was taken in the Embassy in Benghazi . Hamm was extremely critical of our Commander and Chief and stated he lied about not having reinforcements in the area on that night. Hamm “resigned and retired” on April of 2013.

Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette,

United States Navy-Commander of Carrier Strike Group Three. His most recent activity served as Deputy Commander of the US Naval Forces, US Central Command. He was in charge of Air Craft Carriers in the Mediterranean Sea the night of September 11, 2012. He testified before the hearing committee and said that there may not have been time to get the flight crews there but left the door open on if told when the events took place if that he could have had the aircraft launched upon cross-examination by Rep. Tray Gowdey. Recently fired from the Administrative post and relieved of Duty by the Obama Administration for “utterance of a racial slur”.

Major General Ralph Baker,

United States Army- Major General Baker served as the Commander of the Joint Task Force-Horn at Camp Lamar , Djibouti , Africa . Was also involved in some aspect with the incident September 11, 2012, being under the African Command. Had said he believed attack helicopters could have made it in time. Relieved of command and fired for groping a civilian (no assault charges or sexual misconduct charges filed with JAG)

Brigadier General Bryan Roberts,

United States Army-General Roberts took command of Fort Jackson in 2011. Was considered a rising star in his field. He served in Iraq during his service as the Commanding Officer of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, and was the Deputy Commanding General of the United States Army Recruiting Command, Fort Knox , KY. Relieved of Duty and Fired for Adultery. While this
is still on the books in the United States Code of Military Justice,
it has rarely been used since President Bill Clinton’s indiscretions.

Major General Gregg A. Sturdevant,

United States Marine Corps-Director of Strategic Planning and Policy of for the United States Pacific Command and Commander of the aviation wing at Camp Bastion , Afghanistan . Highly decorated soldier with two Naval and Marine Commendations and two Naval and Marine Good Conduct medals. He also has an Air Medal with a gold star. He served honorably and distinctively. He had asked about supplies to his command. He was one of two commanding officers suddenly relieved of command and fired from the military for failure of proper force protection.

Major General
Charles M.M. Gurganus,

United States Marine Corps- Regional Commander in the Southwest and I Marine Expeditionary Force (a forward or frontal division) in Afghanistan. Also Highly decorated with a Defense Superior Service Medal, two Legion of Merritt w/Valor, and three Meritorious Service Commendations. Major General C.M.M.Gurganus had questioned the use of Afghanistan patrols along side American patrols after two officers were executed at their desk and a platoon was lead into an ambush on the front lines. Was the other commander relieved of duty for failure of proper force protection.

Lieutenant General
David Holmes Huntoon Jr,

United States Army-Served as the 58th Superintendent of the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY. He had graduated from the same academy in 1973 and had served in Senior Planning and Education Services through the majority of his career. He was “censored” for “an investigation” into an “improper relationship” according to The Department of Defense. Nothing was released to the nature of the improper relationship. Nothing was even mentioned if an actual investigation even took place.

Vice Admiral Tim Giardina,

United States Navy-Deputy Commander of the United States Strategic Command. Commander of the Submarine Group Trident, Submarine Group 9 and Submarine Group 10, where every single one of the 18 Nuclear Submarines with Nuclear Trident Missiles of those three groups were in his command. This commander earned six Legions of Merit, Two Meritorious Service Medals, two Joint Service Commendation Medals, and several other medals, ribbons and decorations in his illustrious career. He was removed from service and fired from the military for the charge of using counterfeit poker chips (not making that up).

Last on the list,
Major General Michael Carry,

United States Air Force-Commander 20th Air Force in charge of 9,600 people and 450 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) at three operational wings and served in both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. He was Fired October 11, 2013, for “Personal Misbehavior” is what was told to ABC News. He and Giardina were both the two top Commanders over the United States Nuclear Arsenal before their dismissal within 48 hours of each other.

As ABC News reports, this is an extremely alarming rate and one of the biggest and fastest purges of military personnel ever recorded. It apparently is such a shock at the rate even for a long time veteran of reporting the news as Dianne Sawyer, because at one point she gets heated saying two Commanders of the Nuclear Command.

You don’t put people who are not very intelligent and without a squeaky clean record over that area of the Military. It is enough to make the hardest and staunchest of supporters as the ABC news crew to pause and ask themselves, “what step is Obama planning?”


Like I've said many times - (IMHO) all those that voted for Obama must be so darn proud. Just imagine having American Citizen's like Senator Harry Mason Reid and Representative Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi on your side. Such a shame..

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