Obama: ‘We Don’t Have an Urgent Deficit Crisis’

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Obama: ‘We Don’t Have an Urgent Deficit Crisis’

Aug. 23, 2013 3:11pm
Fred Lucas

President Barack Obama said the country isn’t facing a spending or deficit problem, only an ideological problem from Republicans who want to cut government programs for health care and children.

“We don’t have an urgent deficit crisis,” Obama said Friday at a town hall meeting on the campus of Binghamton University in Binghamton, N.Y. “The only crisis we have is the one that is manufactured in Washington and it’s ideological and the basic notion is that we shouldn’t be helping people get health care and we shouldn’t be helping kids who can’t help themselves and whose parents are under resourced, we shouldn’t be helping them get a leg up.”

The assertion is similar to a Wall Street Journal report earlier this year about a conversation between Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, in which Boehner said Obama told him, “We don’t have a spending problem.”

In Binghamton Friday, Obama was responding to a question from the audience about federal funding for the Head Start program.

“So some of the proposals we’ve seen now are talking about even deeper cuts in programs like head start, even deeper cuts in education support, even deeper cuts it basic science and research and that’s like eating your corn seed,” Obama said. “It’s like being penny wise and pound foolish.”

Before dismissing even the notion of a deficit problem, Obama said that under his administration the federal deficit has decreased – something he said the “average person” doesn’t realize.

“As the economy has improved, the deficit is going down,” the president told the university audience. “It has now dropped at the fastest rate in 60 years. I want to repeat that because a lot of people think – if you ask the average person what’s happening with the deficit, they’d tell you it’s going up. The deficit has been cut in half since 2009 and is on a downward trajectory and it’s going down faster than at any time since World War II.”

The president went on to credit the new health care law for deficit reduction.

“So we don’t have a problem in terms of spending on education. We don’t have a problem when it comes to spending on research and development,” Obama said. “We do have a long term problem that has to do with out health care programs Medicare and Medicaid. The good news is in part because of the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, have gone up at the slowest rate we’ve seen in a long time. So we’re starting to get health care costs under control. We’ll still have to make some modifications when it comes to long term entitlement programs so that they’re there for young people here when they are ready for retirement.”

Obama’s predecessor George W. Bush did not reach $1 trillion in deficits until his final fiscal year in office, fiscal year 2009. The budget deficit has been more than $1 trillion for each year Obama has been in office until fiscal year 2013.

The budget deficit is projected to be $972.9 billion for fiscal year 2013 – the first time since fiscal year 2008 the budget deficit has been under $1 trillion, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget historical tables.

The Congressional Budget Office projected the federal deficit to drop to $642 billion in the long term outlook from 2013 to 2023.

what do you think is adding to the deficit? In all seriousness, is it defense spending? Social Security? Pell Grants? Infrastructure repairs? Medicare? Foreign Aid? No Bid contracts for government work? Pensions to the Postal Service, Pensions to Congress, what?

I am really interested in what you think is causing deficits and how you would stop them if you were the President of the U. S. of A..

Amazing, the deficit is actually dropping......from 15 trillon, to 17 trillon......I feel so much better now!:BangHead:

The first thing that I would do if Pres., would make sure that we spent only the same as we brought in, that's how I have to run my business, and household. You can't sustain yourself be constantly borrowing against the future, ask anyone who has amassed vast credit card debt, and can't pay it back, how that works! If this keeps up, we have no future, and Obama should stop compaighing, he tour of duty ends in 2.5 years.....he should just start doing his job. My opinion , and I'm sticking to it.

Funny he keeps talking to collage students Does he believe they are all easy? Or maybe he thinks the trillion $$$ in student debt will bale us out in 2025? Can't wait till he's on America's got talent (As a comedian) and lose on the 1st round.
The only deficit we should have is defense and larger prisons because I don't care if a shrimp can run on a tread mill or build a facade for a few billion and call it a solar plant.
I'd like to know how all the (poor country's hungry) actually survive with out food stamps? Or free cell phones,

Maybe as Americans, we should start questioning these things and demanding action and change, that we were promised.

We can all start contacting our elected government officials, and start informing and "helping" them find some cuts to make. :laughing7:
I am being serious also. Look at Bell Ca, look at Filner, Weiner, Edwards, how many scandels, corruption, and sexcapades can we keep paying for?

Here pick a waste, any waste.....

50 Examples of Government Waste

Sorry Pat Some will say you made all that stuff up.

Sorry Pat Some will say you made all that stuff up.
Nope, that was not my mew mew mews! :laughing7:

We can pick it apart though, like disintegrating roadkill......

22.More than $13 billion in Iraq aid has been classified as wasted or stolen. Another $7.8 billion cannot be accounted for.

Never mind 13 billion "WASTED AND STOLEN" (the authors word, not mine), how do your lose 7.8 billion?
That RIGHT THERE should be a big neon sign on fire, that these ppl got so much money they don't even know WHAT they're doing with it, or WHERE it is, and we should keep giving them MORE?!

Geez, we should have those type problems! "MOM, I can't find my 7 billion, did you see it"?
Mom, "Did you check the dryer"?
Yeah, I'm sure it's all been a wash (job). :BangHead:

22.More than $13 billion in Iraq aid has been classified as wasted or stolen. Another $7.8 billion cannot be accounted for.

Add that to the 2 trillion that went missing the day before 9/11.

A little advice. Get ready for the upcoming elections and more importantly find and support a candidate for the next Presidential election. Don't pick a Libertarian. They couldn't win a pie eating contest. Find a republican candidate you like, urge them to run and then work in their local campaign office for them. Everybody talks about American law and justice and if you truly believe in our system of government, then participate in it. Complaining will accomplish nothing. Obama is a jerk, but there will be other presidents. Help your candidate win and save America at the same time...

Add that to the 2 trillion that went missing the day before 9/11.

Red was this cash or transfer? As I remember the stock market was up on the 10th. and S&P went down 50 points on the 11th. Thats were the 2 trillion $$ loss was done on the market. We all lost.

Actually onfire the 2 trillion went missing from the pentagon,the area where the plane-cruise missile hit happened to be where the evidence was being kept.Nice handy coincidence hmmmm?

Well let's just do another one! :laughing7:

8. A GAO audit classified nearly half of all purchases on government credit cards as improper, fraudulent, or embezzled. Examples of taxpayer-funded purchases include gambling, mortgage payments, liquor, lingerie, iPods, Xboxes, jewelry, Internet dating services, and Hawaiian vacations. In one extraordinary example, the Postal Service spent $13,500 on one dinner at a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, including "over 200 appetizers and over $3,000 of alcohol, including more than 40 bottles of wine costing more than $50 each and brand-name liquor such as Courvoisier, Belvedere and Johnny Walker Gold." The 81 guests consumed an average of $167 worth of food and drink apiece

They promised us a land of milk and honey, now they're just going to sail themselves, down the river to it. :BangHead:


Don't worry, the government doesn't own that boat, just some dairy farmer. :laughing7:

Just think, when Congress gets back to DC, and back in session, the upcoming debate on defunding healthcare, govt. shutdown and needing to raise the deficit limit in another continuing resolution......and O will be heading out campaigning for the need to raise, what he says is falling......It's no wonder he has hidden his school records, and transcripts....if any exist at all.....Gary

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