Obama Signs Executive Order, Sends $500 million to Terrorists

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Obama Signs Executive Order, Sends $500 million to Terrorists

truther July 29, 2013


Citing “national security interests,” President Obama effectively sidestepped Congress by signing an executive order which enables him to send $500 million to fund Muslim terrorists in the West Bank.

The executive order, addressed to Secretary of State John Kerry, was quietly signed Friday afternoon, as the media’s full attention was focused upon a royal birth.

In the order, President Obama writes, “I hereby certify that it is important to the national security interests of the United States to waive the provisions of section 7040(a) of the Act as carried forward by the CR, in order to provide funds appropriated to carry out chapter 4 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act, as amended, to the Palestinian Authority.”

The move comes on the heels of a 2012 executive order in which Obama waived a congressional ban on funding the Palestinian Authority and sent the Hamas terror led organization $147 million American taxpayer dollars. He also removed all spending restrictions on that money, restrictions which dictate what the funds can and cannot be used for, ie. humanitarian assistance, education, betterment of society, etc. Thus enabling the money to be used for military equipment.

Ed Brown, a DC watchdog writes, “When the next Palestinian/Israeli conflict erupts because Hamas led Palestine is lobbing rockets over the fence into Israel —– don’t forget who paid for those rockets: you did, Mr. & Mrs. American taxpayer.”

Brown’s assertion is backed by those made by political commentator Dean Garrison. Garrison says, “I am not sure why we even have a legislative branch in 2013, because it’s obvious that Obama and company are going to do what they want anyway.”

“Whether this money eventually finds its way into the hands of terrorists, or not, is not entirely the point. Americans are sick of hearing how we need to make cuts, tighten our belts and sacrifice while our government keeps sending money elsewhere.”

Obama Signs Executive Order, Sends $500 million to Terrorists

truther July 29, 2013


Citing “national security interests,” President Obama effectively sidestepped Congress by signing an executive order which enables him to send $500 million to fund Muslim terrorists in the West Bank.

The executive order, addressed to Secretary of State John Kerry, was quietly signed Friday afternoon, as the media’s full attention was focused upon a royal birth.

In the order, President Obama writes, “I hereby certify that it is important to the national security interests of the United States to waive the provisions of section 7040(a) of the Act as carried forward by the CR, in order to provide funds appropriated to carry out chapter 4 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act, as amended, to the Palestinian Authority.”

The move comes on the heels of a 2012 executive order in which Obama waived a congressional ban on funding the Palestinian Authority and sent the Hamas terror led organization $147 million American taxpayer dollars. He also removed all spending restrictions on that money, restrictions which dictate what the funds can and cannot be used for, ie. humanitarian assistance, education, betterment of society, etc. Thus enabling the money to be used for military equipment.

Ed Brown, a DC watchdog writes, “When the next Palestinian/Israeli conflict erupts because Hamas led Palestine is lobbing rockets over the fence into Israel —– don’t forget who paid for those rockets: you did, Mr. & Mrs. American taxpayer.”

Brown’s assertion is backed by those made by political commentator Dean Garrison. Garrison says, “I am not sure why we even have a legislative branch in 2013, because it’s obvious that Obama and company are going to do what they want anyway.”

“Whether this money eventually finds its way into the hands of terrorists, or not, is not entirely the point. Americans are sick of hearing how we need to make cuts, tighten our belts and sacrifice while our government keeps sending money elsewhere.”
Makes you wonder when the Jews, who mostly voted for Obama, are going to wake up.

They wii wake up when the Palistinons move into their bedrooms!

Read the EO and then read the ACT.

This article is very misleading.

Due to the budget crisis of 2012, most of the gov was being funded piecemeal instead of sticking to the budget plan (outlined in the ACT referenced above).

As a part of the CR, all funding levels were done at last year's levels (this is an extremely simplified version of how it works). Any additional budgetary funding had to be approved piece by piece.

Bottom line, this funding was already obligated and budgeted as a part of this ACT. All this EO does is invoke the waiver that was written in to the ACT to allow the funding to be made available as foreign aid (as originally planned).

It cites national security as the reason. This reason is often used to justify actions taken by the executive branch. The truth is that the US has been providing foreign aid to many middle east countries for many many many years to help "keep the peace". Trust me, we already provide Israel with tons of aid.

Bottom line: There is nothing shocking, surprising, or scandalous about this EO. Just the executive branch operating the way it should in accordance with the laws that were already passed by the legislative branch.

If congress could get its act together and get rid of this rediculous CR, this would never be news because the funding that was already appropriated would go where it was planned to go and no waiver would even need to be signed.

Just the executive branch operating the way it should? Get real. This administration has never operated the way it should. Scandal, reverse racism, complete disregard for the Constitution, no respect for United States citizens, giving aid to terrorist groups, undermining U.S. industry, building a private army(DHS) and trying to control gun and ammo sales by stockpiling those same weapons and ALL ammo that could be procured when their pathetic attempt to usurp the Constitution failed. And we're still not sure if the SOB was even born in this country.

Hey jerseyben! You make a very good point! "In accordance with the laws", does not appear to be part of this administrations agenda! Just an observation from one of the common tax payers!! VERDE!!

Read the EO and then read the ACT.

This article is very misleading.

Due to the budget crisis of 2012, most of the gov was being funded piecemeal instead of sticking to the budget plan (outlined in the ACT referenced above).

As a part of the CR, all funding levels were done at last year's levels (this is an extremely simplified version of how it works). Any additional budgetary funding had to be approved piece by piece.

Bottom line, this funding was already obligated and budgeted as a part of this ACT. All this EO does is invoke the waiver that was written in to the ACT to allow the funding to be made available as foreign aid (as originally planned).

It cites national security as the reason. This reason is often used to justify actions taken by the executive branch. The truth is that the US has been providing foreign aid to many middle east countries for many many many years to help "keep the peace". Trust me, we already provide Israel with tons of aid.

Bottom line: There is nothing shocking, surprising, or scandalous about this EO. Just the executive branch operating the way it should in accordance with the laws that were already passed by the legislative branch.

If congress could get its act together and get rid of this rediculous CR, this would never be news because the funding that was already appropriated would go where it was planned to go and no waiver would even need to be signed.

Why is anyone surprised that a muslim president would use EO to send funds and aid to muslim terrorists?:dontknow: His constant support of the Muslim Brotherhood which is the mother of all muslim terrorists groups explains it all.....

As far as budget goes

“By law, the President was supposed to submit his budget to Congress today,” House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy wrote on Twitter. “However, it will be late – making this the 4th of 5 late budgets.”

The Washington Times reported that this is the fourth time in Obama’s five years as president that he has not submitted a budget to Congress on time.
The newspaper pointed out that former Presidents George W. Bush, Reagan Reagan and President George H.W. Bush were late once, and Bill Clinton was late twice.
No budget has passed the Senate since 2009.

“We spend $1 trillion more than we take in each year,” Ryan said. “In fact, we spend $3 for every $2 we take in. And we can’t keep that up. If we stay on this path, our finances will collapse.”

The Washington Times reported that this is the fourth time in Obama’s five years as president that he has not submitted a budget to Congress on time.
The newspaper pointed out that former Presidents George W. Bush, Reagan Reagan and President George H.W. Bush were late once, and Bill Clinton was late twice.
No budget has passed the Senate since 2009.
“We spend $1 trillion more than we take in each year,” Ryan said. “In fact, we spend $3 for every $2 we take in. And we can’t keep that up. If we stay on this path, our finances will collapse.”

Read more: Obama criticized for not submitting budget on time, again | The Daily Caller

Why is anyone surprised that a muslim president would use EO to send funds and aid to muslim terrorists?:dontknow: His constant support of the Muslim Brotherhood which is the mother of all muslim terrorists groups explains it all.....

As far as budget goes

“By law, the President was supposed to submit his budget to Congress today,” House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy wrote on Twitter. “However, it will be late – making this the 4th of 5 late budgets.”

The Washington Times reported that this is the fourth time in Obama’s five years as president that he has not submitted a budget to Congress on time.
The newspaper pointed out that former Presidents George W. Bush, Reagan Reagan and President George H.W. Bush were late once, and Bill Clinton was late twice.
No budget has passed the Senate since 2009.

“We spend $1 trillion more than we take in each year,” Ryan said. “In fact, we spend $3 for every $2 we take in. And we can’t keep that up. If we stay on this path, our finances will collapse.”

The Washington Times reported that this is the fourth time in Obama’s five years as president that he has not submitted a budget to Congress on time.
The newspaper pointed out that former Presidents George W. Bush, Reagan Reagan and President George H.W. Bush were late once, and Bill Clinton was late twice.
No budget has passed the Senate since 2009.
“We spend $1 trillion more than we take in each year,” Ryan said. “In fact, we spend $3 for every $2 we take in. And we can’t keep that up. If we stay on this path, our finances will collapse.”

Read more: Obama criticized for not submitting budget on time, again | The Daily Caller

It is called diplomacy, TH. Just as past presisents have done, aid is provided to countries in the region as a peacekeeping measure.
Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean he is a muslim or that he is funding terrorists. 1 + 1 does not equal 3.

You are correct, there is an ongoing budget crisis in this country. Since 2009, progress has essentially been gridlocked and held hostage by congress. It is a pissing match between congress and the Obama administration.

Due to the CR, no new funding gets through unless actions such as this EO are issued. The only way to fix it would be to pass a real budget but we all know the liklihood of that happening is slim to none.

I'll just be glad when the closet Muslim is out of office. Yes Muslim, I don't care what he claims publicly. This guy will go down in history (infamy) as being way more than just the first African American President. There has never been a president in the history of this nation that has so blatantly and repetitively lied, abused his power, and trampled on the U.S. Constitution as much as this guy. Not to mention the multitude of scandalous activity perpetrated by him and his administration (cronies). Unfortunately it will take years to repair the damage done by this administration. Suffice to say, i'll probably be dead and gone before that happens. Not that i'm that old, but rather that's how bad it is.

It is called diplomacy, TH. Just as past presisents have done, aid is provided to countries in the region as a peacekeeping measure.
Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean he is a muslim or that he is funding terrorists. 1 + 1 does not equal 3.

You are correct, there is an ongoing budget crisis in this country. Since 2009, progress has essentially been gridlocked and held hostage by congress. It is a pissing match between congress and the Obama administration.

Due to the CR, no new funding gets through unless actions such as this EO are issued. The only way to fix it would be to pass a real budget but we all know the liklihood of that happening is slim to none.

Sorry, but giving aid to the enemy isn't diplomacy, it is called T R E A S O N!

"The betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies."

When it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck and acts like a duck it is a DUCK!

Obama is Muslim......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

In MY opinion the right of one person to issue an EO of such importance should be stopped immediately.
Our hard earned money should be kept in the United States. This is one of the reasons we, as a nation
are going down hill FAST.
I, as a signal taxpayer can't do anything to stop this betrayer of our trust. BUT,why doesn't congress &
the senate do anything about it ?????????

In MY opinion the right of one person to issue an EO of such importance should be stopped immediately.
Our hard earned money should be kept in the United States. This is one of the reasons we, as a nation
are going down hill FAST.
I, as a signal taxpayer can't do anything to stop this betrayer of our trust. BUT,why doesn't congress &
the senate do anything about it ?????????

Ray, unfortunately to look at this particular issue on a micro level is basically meaningless.

This is just 1 tiny EO in a huge grand picture that makes up the gov process.

What you are suggesting is that the US to abandon its 3 branch system of checks and balances. It is a right of the executive branch to issue EOs. It has been practiced by all presidents starting with GW. Not sure what is so egregious by the current Pres to suddenly declare it "must be stopped"?

I'll just be glad when the closet Muslim is out of office. Yes Muslim, I don't care what he claims publicly. This guy will go down in history (infamy) as being way more than just the first African American President. There has never been a president in the history of this nation that has so blatantly and repetitively lied, abused his power, and trampled on the U.S. Constitution as much as this guy. Not to mention the multitude of scandalous activity perpetrated by him and his administration (cronies). Unfortunately it will take years to repair the damage done by this administration. Suffice to say, i'll probably be dead and gone before that happens. Not that i'm that old, but rather that's how bad it is.

wow...you forgot Richard m Nixon...how about all the people he violated as president...the laws he broke an lied about...
get a grip. opinions are one thing...outright ignoring reality is another.

I have to ask,, SC, are you saying Nixon holds a candle to someone who uses the power of the government to do his dirty work, and lies about it daily? Have you seen the Real Scandals currently going on? Did you know that people have died under this administrations politics and policies?

wow...you forgot Richard m Nixon...how about all the people he violated as president...the laws he broke an lied about...
get a grip. opinions are one thing...outright ignoring reality is another.

Nixon resigned over his scandal remember, no one died at Watergate either.

Hundreds died because of Fast and Furious, 4 Americans died at Benghazi.. An innocent american citizen 16 yo died because of a drone attack, illegal use of IRS to attack opponents, illegal seizures of millions of american's medical records, seizure of reporters records, violations of Bill of Rights all of these end at the White House steps.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

fast an furious is not a new method of the BATF.
this type of behavior was occurring in the southwest for years prior to Obama...many people have been set up, sold or given selective fire weapons an explosives by BATF...when Obama was still in diapers...it is a favored law enforcement method...entrapment...
Arizona still has a biker gang created by the DPS, for the sole purpose of entrapping bikers with weapons, drugs, and underage females.

SC picture removed, it has nothing to do with this thread.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

fast an furious is not a new method of the BATF.
this type of behavior was occurring in the southwest for years prior to Obama...many people have been set up, sold or given selective fire weapons an explosives by BATF...when Obama was still in diapers...it is a favored law enforcement method...entrapment...
Arizona still has a biker gang created by the DPS, for the sole purpose of entrapping bikers with weapons, drugs, and underage females.

SC the scandals that end at current white house steps far surpass anything Nixon ever did, they surpass 10 Nixon's..

Didn't even mention the birth certificate forgery or the fact obama isn't native born....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

wow...you forgot Richard m Nixon...how about all the people he violated as president...the laws he broke an lied about...
get a grip. opinions are one thing...outright ignoring reality is another.

I always liked this.

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